Lecture 7: Heavy metal detection Flashcards
What are heavy metals?
-High density
-Can’t be degraded or destroyed
-Persistent in the environment
What are examples of heavy metals?
What is AAS?
Atomic absorption spectroscopy
What is AAS used for?
A technique used to detect metals and metalloids
What are the advantages of using AAS to detect metals?
-Sensitive (Can go to very low wavelengths)
-Can analyse over 62 elements
What does AAS look at when analysing?
Atoms, rather than molecules
What is measured during AAS analysis?
Atoms absorb energy and we measure the emission (The degree they emit energy back)
What is the energy gap for emission?
The energy gap for emission is the same as the energy gap for absorption
What is Planck’s equation?
What does the E in Planck’s equation stand for?
What does the h in Planck’s equation stand for?
Planck’s constant
What does the f in Planck’s equation stand for?
What is the principle of AAS?
Free atoms that are generated in an atomiser can absorb radiation at a specific frequency;
Each element absorbs at a different frequency
What does AAS quantify?
Quantifies the absorption of ground state atoms in the gaseous state
What is the concentration of the analyte in AAS determined by?
The analyte concentration is determined by the amount of energy absorption
What law is AAS governed by?
Beer-Lambert Law:
Absorption=constant x conc
What is the AAS instrument calibrated with ?
Standards of a known concentration
What is the Beer-Lambert equation?
*For any wavelength
What is the A in the Beer-Lambert equation?
What is the b in the Beer-Lambert equation?
b=Path length
What is the E in the Beer-Lambert equation?
E=Molar absorbtivity
What is the C in the Beer-Lambert equation?
C=Conc (mol/L)
What is heavy metal detection using AAS based on?
The properties of specific metal atoms to absorb specific wavelengths of light
What does the electronics on the AAS instrument do?
The electronics will measure light attenuation (How much light is held by an atom) & convert to the metal concentration of the sample
What are the elements of the AAS instrument?
-Light source
-Sample cell (flame/furnace)
-Specific light measurement:
What is the purpose of the furnace in the AAS instrument?
Heats up the sample to convert it to the gaseous state
What is the process of sample atomisation in AAS?
What is desolvation in AAS?
The liquid sample evaporates and the dry sample remains