Lecture 7 - Attitudes Flashcards
What’s the formal definition of an attitude?
- Relatively stable clusters of feelings, beliefs, and behavioural predispositions toward some specific object.
What are the three major components of an attitude?
1) Evaluative component (how you feel)
2) Cognitive component (what you believe)
3) Behavioural component (how you are predisposed to act)
What’s cognitive dissonance?
- When we discover that our actions on one attitude we hold are in conflict with another attitude
- Behaviours are inconsistent with attitudes
- Either you change your attitude or change your behaviour
What is the Attitude and the Theory of Planned Behaviour?
- (Ajzem)
- Wanted to understand the process behind our behaviours
- Intentions are impacted by our attitudes, perceived social norms, and perceived behavioural control
- Our intentions impact our behaviours, but this is often sidelined by the actual behavioural control and what we’re actually capable of doing.
What percentile of people report being happy with their jobs?
- 80-90%
What are some methods used to measure job satisfaction?
- Questionnaires (job descriptive index; Minnesota satisfaction questionnaire; computer-based/paper formats)
- Critical incidents (incidents of observed behaviour)
- Interviews (collect stories from employees)
What’s Herzberg’s two-factor theory?
- 2 major factors that predict job satisfaction:
1) Hygiene factors - Predict job dissatisfaction. These can include supervision, pay, policies, physical conditions, and relations with others. Must be maintained to maintain job satisfaction
2) Motivators - Predict job satisfaction. These can include promotions, opportunities for personal growth, recognition, responsibility, achievement
What are some of the issues regarding Herzberg’s 2 factor theory?
- Hard to tease the two factors apart
- Results often confounded
- More of a classical way of viewing job satisfaction
What’s Locke’s value Theory?
- Job satisfaction stems from rewards matching desired outcomes
- Greater discrepancy in rewards = greater dissatisfaction
- Obvious but very hard to do when you have multiple people working under you.
What are some of the organizational causes of job satisfaction?
- Reward systems
- Perceived supervision
- Work and social stimulation
- Pleasant working conditions
What are some of the personal causes of job satisfaction?
- Personality
- P-O fit
- Status and seniority
- General life satisfaction
What’s the Mobley Model of Turnover?
- Thoughts of quitting? First consider job satisfaction > thoughts of quitting > intention to search for a new job > intention to quit or stay > action: quit or stay
- Must take into account the probability of finding a new job
T/F: OCBs and job satisfaction are highly correlated.
- True
- Individuals who are more satisfied with their jobs tend to partake in more OCBs
What three factors impact organizational commitment?
1) Belief in and acceptance of the organization’s beliefs and goals
2) Willingness to exert effort on behalf of the organization
3) Desire to maintain membership (want to stay)
What are the four different types of organizational commitment?
- Uncommitted - both low attachment to supervisor and workgroup, as well as attachment to top management ad organization
- Locally committed - high attachment to supervisor and workgroup but low attachment to top management and organization
- Globally committed - high attachment to top management but low attachment to supervisor and workgroup
- Committed - Both high attachment to supervisor and workgroup, as well as attachment to top management and organization
What are the positive effects of organizational commitment?
- Lower absenteeism/turnover
- Willingness to make sacrifices
- Positive personal consequences (more satisfied/happier)
What’s distributive justice?
- Fairness in the perceptions of our outcomes. Based on either equality, equity, or need
What are Leventhal’s 5 rules of procedural justice?
- Procedural justice = the extent to which the process that generated the decisions was fair
- Five rules:
1) Voice (everyone has a say)
2) Free from bias
3) Applied consistently
4) Provide opportunities for appeal
5) Accuracy of information - NOTE: You’re operating on people’s perceptions, which means the processes themselves may not be objectively fair
What’s interactional justice?
- The quality of interpersonal treatment during the outcome allocation process
- Interpersonal justice (ex. how you were treated when informed you weren’t getting a promotion)
- Informational justice (how well-informed you were about how the decisions were made)
What are the effects of organizational injustice?
- Turnover intentions
- Job satisfaction
- Org. commitment
- OCBs
- Theft/vandalism