Lecture 7 and 8: reproductive disorders Flashcards
Klienefelters syndrome
What is it:
- 47, XXY (extra X chromosome) - Occurs in 1:600 men - extra X means that germ cells in the testis cant develop and grow - what is meiotic non-disjunction failure of homologous chromosomes to seperate during meiosis
Clinical signs:
- impaired leydig cell function - cant go through spermatogenesis - Azoospermia (low sperm count) - low androgen levels (low testosterone) - high LH, FSH and oestrogen - symptoms - height >6 feet - small external genitalia - pear shaped body - not hairy - infertile or sterile - learning difficulties - impaired speech - psychological problems
Turners syndrome
What is it
- 45XO (missing X chromosome) - quite common 1:2500
Clinical signs
- no X chr = early loss of follicles, lack of ovarian development and most likely infertility
- Webbed neck - low hairline - broad shoulders - wide spaced nipples - short - ovaries poorly formed or missing - incomplete sexual development - most like infertile
Pure gonadal dysgenesis
What is it:
- Chromosomes are either 46, XX or 46 XY
clinical signs:
- Baby appears as a female - Progressive loss of primordial germ cells in the developing gonads of an embryo - Germ cells either don't form at all or they don't interact with the gonadal ridge or they are accelerated to cell death - after childhood, only a streak gonad is present (bilateral streak)
True hermaphrodistism
- combination of gonadal tissue is present
- may have an ovotestis (a bit of both ovary-ovarian follicle and testes- seminiferous tubules)
who does infertility effect?
6-7 couples go to a specialist
How is a couple considered infertile?
if they have participated in unprotected sex for a year without becoming pregnant
What causes infertility?
A range of things from:
- tubal factors
- ovulatory dysfunction
- diminished ovarian reserve
- endometriosis
- uterine factor
- combination of both male and femal
increase number of abnormal sperm
decreases motility
absence of sperm
what is a normal sperm volume | count | motility %?
- volume: 2-6 ml
- count: 20-250 mil
- Motility: >50%
what is an infertile sperm volume | count | motility %?
- volume: less than 1.5 ml
- count: less than 10 mil
- Motility: less than 35%
leading cause of male infertility?
low sperm count - oligospermia
What are the four characteristics to consider for sperm normality?
- volume
- count
- motility
- morphology
Whats a procedure that can be done if the egg zona pellucida is too thick or sperm motility sucks?
intracytoplasmic sperm injection