Lecture 7+8 Flashcards
Connections between education, sex, gender, sexuality
- Education = gender intensification process
- Experience education differently
- Glorified traits
- Education perpetuates heteronormative ideas
- Structure of education = feminized
- Frats / sororities = gendered/sex/sexuality norms (old school traditional)
Gender Wage Gap in Canada
- 89 cents
- Converging slowly
- Women got devalued as times changed
Gender Inequality from a global perspective
- Women constitute70% of the worlds absolute poor
- Women are less likely to be educated
- Women are more likely to be trafficked
- Women are more likely to work in transnational factories
- Take on the roles of the water bearers
- ¼ women are likely to be abused
- 2.6 billion people lack access to basic sanitation
How / why gender wage gap?
- Women = less physically present at work
- Statistically women work less hours
- Women continue to be responsible for childcare and house hold duties
- Men are more present at work
- Glass door in Canada
- Women continue to earn less than men who have the same levels of education / experience
- 1/5 leaderships positions are held by women glass ceiling
o 394/500 top corporate have 0 women
Sexual consent
Has to be clear, active, ongoing, willing and coherent
Social category
Physical characteristics that we denote social meaning (Race)
Minority group
Social category that occupies a subordinate rank on social society hierarchy (LGBTQ)
- Mental exaggeration or measuring rod
- Pseudo +
- Something that seems positive but not.
Discrimination = action
- Individualistic
o Overt
Own emotions
o Adaptive
Perceived stereotypes of others - Systemic
o Organization, government, corporate
- Self defined
- Modifiable and variable that can be changed
What is racism?
- Ideology that regards racial or ethnic categories as natural, biological or genetic groupings
- Critical race theorists argue that race is a social construct.
- Refers to a state in which racial and ethnic groups maintain their distinctiveness to an extent
- Equal access to social resources
- Canada is pluralist
- The process by which formally distinct and separate groups merge together and become one integrated whole.
- America is assimilation
Secondary assimilation
- When groups come together in public areas and social institutions
Primary assimilation
- When members of different groups are integrated in personal and intimate associations such as friends, family and spouses.
- When different ethnic or racial groups become married or pair-bonded and produce children
- Physical separation of two groups in residence, workplace and social functions
- Indigenous people
- Can be forced and self selected
This occurs when a racial or ethnic group from one society dominates the racial or ethnic groups of another society.
- Systematic annihilation of an entire nation or group of people
- Indigenous and Chinese in Canada
- Social construct
- Racism = real biological concept
Famous Critical Race Theorists
- Kimberlie Crenshaw
(Lawyer, Founder of principle intersectionality, most famous CRT) - Bell hooks
Critical race theory = Race = Social Construct
- Argues that race theory is embedded into our social structures
- Jane Elliot
- argues racist society
- Subtle, often unintended form of racism that is exhibited by many well-intentioned people
- “pro-white”.
- Rejection of traditional racist beliefs, with a displacement of those traditional racist beliefs into more abstract and social or political issues. - - - Here the blamed for continuing racial inequity is placed on minority race groups for perpetuating inequality with demands for affirmative action.
Race + Education
- CRT Education = perpetuates racism
- Republicans ban teaching around race
- 1960s – 1980s Ban Marxism = indoctrination
- Color lines Continue to Divide
- W.E.DuBois
- Famous for introducing race ideology
- Argues we are still divided to color lines and education
- John Porter
- Argues same thing as Dubois while using the vertical mosaic
Vertical mosiac
- Ethnic Hierarchy ranking - - Made up of different
ethnic groups wielding varying degrees of social and economic
power, prestige and status. In Canadian society, various ethnic
groups are stratified.
How do Color lines Continue to Divide
- Standardized test scores
- Race + Social Class
- USA educational system
- Segregated schools
Color lines Continue to Divide in Canada
- Robyn Maynard
a. Leading BLM in Canada
b. Lawyer from Toronto - Sept 2016
a. Black 6 year old in handcuffs - Education as equalizer
a. Rhetorical
b. Students experience
i. Degradation
ii. Harm
iii. Psychological violence
iv. Neglect
v. Increase in surveillance
Robyn Maynard Argues
- Streamed
- Teachers low expectations
- Second generation segregation = racialized streaming
- Symbolic violence = Bourdieu
- Inferior + threat = movements monitored
a. Black students 8x more likely to face discipline
i. 2011-2016 ½ of students that were expelled were black and only 10% population
Anti racism
- To move beyond not being racist
- Promoting the movement
- Dismantling inequalities + social structure
- Ally – Accomplice - co-conspirator