Lecture 7 Flashcards
What are the two main aims of psychological conduct of conduct?
- to safeguard the welfare of those who use psych services
- to safeguard the integrity of the profession- if the psychological profession is not trusted/held in high esteem than psychologists cannot effectively carry out their work
What is the code of conduct for psychologists in Australia?
the Australian Psychological Society Code of Ethics
Who has adopted the APS code of ethics?
The Psychology Board of Australia
What do you need to be an accredited psychologist?
4 years of accredited study usually and 2 years masters
What are the APS three general ethical principles?
- respect for the rights and dignity of people and peoples
- propriety
- integrity
What are the overall things to know about principle 1- respect for the rights and dignity of people and peoples
- psychologists regard ppl as intrinsically valuable
- promote equity
- promote rights to autonomy, jstice, human, legal and moral rights
- respect dignity
What are the three specific things that should be upheld relevant to 1.
- justice
- respect
- informed consent
- privacy
- confidentiality
Discuss justice in more detail
- Taking into account people who are culturally/linguistically diverse
- have responsibility for overcoming any language/cultural barriers re assessment instruments used
- especially important for consent
- must seek help of cultural consultant when required
Discuss the four things that psychologists must explain clearly to their client
- the purpose of psych assess.
- what is involved in the asses. process
- to whom any client info will be disclosed
- how reports will be stored
What must psych assess information be used for? re confidentality
It must only be used for the purposes for which it was collected, and for which consent was obtained. If they are to be used for a secondary purpose, must obtain consent.
Discuss the principle 2. propriety
- psychs ensure that they are competent to deliver the psych services they provide
- provide psych services to benefit not harm
- welfare of clients+public always take precedence of psych self-interest
How many ethical standards fall under propriety & what are main ones?
14- main ones competence & psychological assessments
In order to be competent, what do psychs need to (competence = falls under ethical standard under propriety)
- know when to determine when psych tested is actually needed
- seeing whether client has been tested previously, & whether those results can be used e.g. consider test retest data
- need to choose psychometrically sound assessments + adapt for cultural
- accurately score+interpret results
- consider all relevant contextual info re client, do not do test in isolation
- use data from a range of sources, not just one/based on hunch
- effectively communicate results to client/commissioning party
- making sound recommendations/decisions on basis of results, ensuring each component of assessment appropriately weighed
How many components are there to the ethical standard of psychological assessments?
Discuss psychologist assessments in more detail (ethical standard that falls under propriety)
- use established scientific procedures when making their own tests
- specify purposes + uses of assess techniques + indicate limits of applicability
- ensure that they choose, administer + interpret assess procedures appropriately+ adequately
- use valid procedures+research findings when scoring+ interpreting their test
- report results appropriately re language requirements of client
- do not reveal restricted content of psychological tests to others who are not psychologists
Discuss overall aim of integrity in more detail (ethical standard that falls under propriety)
- recognize that being a psychologist puts u in position of power n trust
- exercise power appropriately
- act with probit + honesty in their conduct
What are some standards that fall under integrity?
- reputable behavior
- communication
- conflict of interest: should not test people you know
- non-exploitation
- authorship
- financial arrangements: clearly discuss with clients the costs