Lecture 7 Flashcards
What is the primary objective of ISA 700 (Revised)?
To establish requirements and provide guidance on forming an opinion on financial statements and on the form and content of the auditor’s report. It ensures the auditor’s report is clear, transparent, and consistent with international best practice.
What are the main sections required in the auditor’s report under ISA 700 (Revised)?
Title (e.g., ‘Independent Auditor’s Report’).
Addressee (typically shareholders or those charged with governance).
Opinion (unmodified, qualified, adverse, or disclaimer).
Basis for Opinion (reference to ISA compliance, independence, and ethical responsibilities).
Key Audit Matters (if required under ISA 701).
Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance (for the financial statements).
Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit (scope, objectives, and inherent limitations).
Other Reporting Responsibilities (if applicable).
Name of the Engagement Partner (in certain jurisdictions).
Signature, Auditor’s Address, and Date of the report.
How does ISA 700 (Revised) address transparency in the auditor’s report?
By requiring explicit statements about the auditor’s responsibilities, independence, and compliance with ethical standards.
By emphasizing the use of plain language to communicate critical information effectively to users.
By mandating disclosure of Key Audit Matters (per ISA 701) or related references if applicable.
What is the purpose of ISA 701?
To enhance the communicative value of the auditor’s report by providing greater transparency about the most significant matters in the audit, known as Key Audit Matters (KAMs). KAMs inform users of areas that required the most auditor judgment or presented the highest risk of material misstatement.
How does the auditor determine Key Audit Matters?
By identifying issues that required significant auditor attention during the audit:
Areas of higher risk of material misstatement or significant risks.
Significant auditor judgments in areas involving management estimates.
The effect on the audit of significant events or transactions.
The auditor then selects those matters that, in his/her professional judgment, were the most significant.
What should be included in the KAM section of the report?
A clear description of why each matter was considered a KAM.
An explanation of how the matter was addressed in the audit.
A reference to the related disclosures in the financial statements (if relevant).
Sufficient context to help users understand the significance of the matter and the work performed.
Under ISA 705 (Revised), when should the auditor modify the opinion?
If financial statements are materially misstated or if the auditor is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to conclude that the financial statements are free from material misstatement. Depending on the significance and pervasiveness of the matter, the opinion can be qualified, adverse, or disclaimed.
What are the three types of modified opinions under ISA 705 (Revised)?
Qualified Opinion –where the limitation of scope/disagreement affects only one particular aspect of the FS, rather than the FS as a whole.
(Misstatement is material but not pervasive, or there is a material scope limitation that is not pervasive).
Adverse Opinion – Misstatement is both material and pervasive the auditor disagrees strongly with the mgt (FS not true and fair).
Disclaimer of Opinion – Auditor is unable to obtain sufficient evidence, and the possible effects of undetected misstatements could be both material and pervasive unable to form opinion.
How does ISA 705 (Revised) guide the structure of a modified report?
The Opinion section is modified to clearly state the type of modified opinion (qualified, adverse, or disclaimer).
A Basis for Qualified/Adverse/Disclaimer Opinion section is added to explain the rationale for the modification.
Other required elements (e.g., KAMs, Responsibilities) are adjusted or omitted depending on the type of modification.
What is an Emphasis of Matter paragraph?
A paragraph included in the auditor’s report to draw attention to a matter that is appropriately presented or disclosed in the financial statements. The matter is of such importance that it is fundamental to users’ understanding of the financial statements. It does not modify the auditor’s opinion.
What is an Other Matter paragraph?
A paragraph used to communicate a matter not presented or disclosed in the financial statements but relevant to users’ understanding of the audit, the auditor’s responsibilities, or the auditor’s report. It also does not affect the auditor’s opinion.
When should the auditor use Emphasis of Matter vs. Other Matter paragraphs?
Emphasis of Matter Paragraph: If the matter is disclosed in the financial statements and is critical to understanding them.
Other Matter Paragraph: If the matter is outside the scope of the financial statements’ disclosures but still relevant to users.
What is ‘Other Information’ under ISA 720 (Revised)?
Financial or non-financial information (other than the financial statements and the auditor’s report) included in an entity’s annual report or other documents containing audited financial statements. Examples: Management Discussion & Analysis, Chairman’s Statement. This information is not audited in the same way as the financial statements, but the auditor has certain responsibilities to read and consider its consistency with the audited statements.
What are the auditor’s responsibilities regarding Other Information?
To read the other information and identify any material inconsistencies with the financial statements or with the auditor’s knowledge obtained in the audit.
To respond appropriately if material misstatements or inconsistencies are found in the other information. The auditor does not express an opinion on the other information but must report any material misstatements if management refuses to correct them.
How should the auditor report on Other Information in the auditor’s report?
Include a specific section in the auditor’s report describing the auditor’s responsibilities under ISA 720.
State whether the auditor has identified any material inconsistencies or misstatements in the Other Information.
If such inconsistencies remain uncorrected, the auditor may describe them or, in extreme cases, consider further actions (e.g., withholding the report).