Lecture 7 Flashcards
De Regression equation in general form:
What use is a regression with many variables?
1.Testing of theory
2. Investigating how the effect of independent variable X on dependent
variable y differs with and without controlling for other variables
(elaboration logic, see lecture 4)
3. ‘Increasing’explained variance (Dangerous!)
4. Including many dummy variables for categorical independent variables
with many categories
5. Investigating non-linear (curvilinear) relationships
6. Including product variables to investigate interaction/moderation
Strategies for constructing your Regression Model
Partition of variance in a standard regression
Standard regression:
all variables inserted in the model at once
Shaded areas are the unique contributions to explained variance by X1,
X2 and X3 (squared part correlations)
Partition of variance in a Sequential Regression
Sequential Regression
Variable(s) are inserted in the regression model in steps
Shaded areas are the unique contributions to explained variance by X1,
X2 and X3
Significance test Overall Regression Model
F-test for Model comparison