Lecture 1 Flashcards
Why are these techniques important?
One-Way Between-Subjects Analysis of Variance Intro
Bivariate regression analysis intro
Multiple regression analysis intro
Bivariate binary logistic regression analysis intro
Multiple binary logistic regression analysis intro
Summary table
One-Way Between-Subjects
Analysis of Variance: Substantive hypothesis:
A person’s degree of organizational commitment (Y) depends on the team in
which the person works (X)
Question for One-Way Between-Subjects
Analysis of Variance hypothesis
if the hypothesis is correct, what would you expect to find with
regard todifferences in average commitment between the teams?
Key idea of ANOVA is:
When there are 2 or more groups, can we make a statement about possible
-significant- differences between the mean scores of the groups?
Fundamental principle of ANOVA:
ANOVA analyses the ratioof the two components of total variance in data:
between-group variance and within-group variance
information on variance of average scores between groups
information on variance of scores within groups
ANOVA analyses ratio in which between-group variancemeasures
systematic differences between groups and all other variables that influence
Y, either systematically or randomly (‘residual variance’or ‘error’)
within-group variancemeasures influence of all other variables that influence
Y either systematically or randomly (‘residual variance’or ‘error’)
Differences withina group
Any differences withina group cannotbe due to differences between
the groups because everyone in a particular group has the same group
score; so, within-group differences must be due to systematic
unmeasured factors (e.g., individual differences) or random
measurement error
Differences between groups
Any observed differences between groupsare probably not only pure
between-group differences, but also differences due to systematic
unmeasured factors or random measurement error
Null hypothesis
Mean scores of k populations corresponding to the groups in het study are
all equal to each other:
H : μ1= μ2=…= μk
Why prefer One-Way Between-S ANOVA instead of seperate t-tests for
means(Warner, p. 220)?