Lecture 7 Flashcards
DNA structure and disease
non B-form DNA form during DNA processes – these structures can cause DNA polymerase to stall leading to nicks and malfunctions
maintain proper DNA supercoiling by cutting and stitching together DNA
base pairing, stacking, most energetically stable under physiological conditions, narrower and longer.
fits alpha-helix peptides
observed under dehydrating conditions and high salt, compatible w/ RNA , open helical, wider and compressed – perfect for protein interactions
less solvent exposure and under dehydrating conditions and protects from these conditions
certain proteins dehydrate DNA upon binding and induce A form
DNA is deformanble
structure can deviate locally when bound to small molecules
major groove binders: DNA strucutre deviates and while flanking DNA regions help retain normal structure, anitbiotic and antiviral interacts w/ sugars and edge of the bases giving seqeunce binding
interalators: hydrophobic/hyrophillic agents that insert between bases through ring
hydrophobic/hyrophillic agents that insert between bases through ring stacking
ex - toto is flourescent label to detect dsDNA
interacalating as drugs: interfere w/ DNA replication, trans, repair – structural distortions lead to mutations and intercalating agents called mutagens