Lecture 7 Flashcards
i) What epistemology informs the research?
ii) What theoretical perspective lies behind
the methodology in question?
iii) What methodology governs our choice
and use of methods?
iv) What methods do we propose to use?
v) What analysis do we propose to use
What are these the 4 main questions of?
research process
the theory of knowledge embedded in the theoretical perspective and thereby in the methodology
What is this the definition of?
the philosophical stance informing the methodology and thus providing a
context for the process and grounding its logic and criteria
What is this the definition of?
Theoretical perspective
(M-(blank): the strategy, plan of action, process or design lying behind the choice and use of particular methods and linking the choice and use of methods to the desired outcomes
(M-(blank): the techniques or procedures used to gather data related to some research question or hypothesis (Crotty, 1998)
(A-(blank)): the techniques or procedures used to make sense of the data and thus generate results
Tracy (2010): 8 (blank) (blank) Criteria For Excellent Qualitative Research
(a) worthy topic, (b) rich rigor, (c) sincerity, (d) credibility, (e) resonance, (f) significant contribution, (g) ethics, and (h) meaningful coherence.
(blank) PARADIGM
Realism: Reality exists, reality is objective and singular, reality is static and external to the researcher, imposing itself on individual consciousness from without, reality is apprehensible and it can be known
(blank) PARADIGM
Nominalism: Reality is subjective and multiple, reality is not external to the researcher, reality is the product of individual consciousness, reality is processual and socially
constructed by actors (researcher, participants, etc.)
(blank) : Meaning exists apart from the operation of any consciousness
e. g., tree: meaning is there waiting for us (Truth is in the object)
(blank): Meaning is imposed on the object by the subject; object makes no
contribution to the generation of meaning
(blank): Truth/meaning comes into existence in and out of our engagement with our world and its objects
What is the definition for the study of values and value judgements