Lecture 6: UE Orthoses Flashcards
OT scope of practice in regard to orthotics
assessment, design, fabrication, application, fitting, and training in orthotic devices
domains of hand therapy practice
- assess upper limb and relevant pt characteristics
- determine prognosis and individualized POC
- Implement POC and therapeutic interventions
- basic science and fundamental knowledge
articular vs non articular orthoses
articular crosses a joint
nonarticular does not cross or does not have a mechanical joint
purposes of UE orthoses
mobilize/assist with movement
restrict motion
what characteristics need to be described when talking about an UE orthoses
fabrication (custom?)
articular or non?
direction of applied forces
purpose of orthoses
what do immobilizing UE orthoses do and examples of possible indications
stabilize joints/tissues by preventing excessive/abnormal movement
manage a deformity bu preventing contracture
protect structures from harmful/excessive load
i.e. stabilize unstable/painful joints, reduce inflammation, prevent deformities, facilitate healing, etc
what do mobilizing UE orthoses do and examples of possible indications
assist with movement
manage deformity by applying corrective force
i.e. assist with lost movement from nerve injury, elongate shortened tissue
what do restricting UE orthoses do and examples of possible indications
protect structures from harmful/excessive load
i.e. prevent joints from unsafe movements
what is a budding taping orthoses used for
stringer digital assists with movement of impaired digit
what are blocking splints used for
assists AROM by blocking movement of more mobile joints
Anti-deformity position of the UE
90 deg shoulder abduction with ER
elbow extension
neutral to slight supination of forearm
20-30 deg wrist ext
70-90 deg MCP flexion
IP extension
thumb and palmar abduction
*important considerations for burns
UE orthoses design principles
wear time depends on orthoses/purpose
longer splints = more comfy
wider straps = more even force distribution
contoured edges = for pt comfort
avoid pressure over bony prominences
in dynamic braces, angle of pull should be 90 deg
apply tension only sufficient to take the joint to comfortable end range
design categories of UE orthoses
types of static UE orthoses
- articular
- non-articular
- motion blocking (dorsal or volar)
serial static
static progressive
purpose of static splints
provide passive support
commonly prescribed for immobilization
provides protection for proper positioning
general position for static splints
for contracture prevention and healing
resting position = holds tissue in elongated position but not at end range
functional position of hand and wrist
20-30 deg wrist ext
40-45 MCP flexion
45 PIP flexion
relaxed flexion of DIPs
thumb abducted and in opposition to fingers
Healing time, non-union rate, and radial nerve palsy rate for pts with a closed humeral shaft fx using a static splint vs surgical treatment
non operative
- healing time = 16 weeks
- non union = 11%
- radial nn palsy = 1%
- healing = 14-15 weeks
- non-union = 3-6%
- radial nn palsy = 3-4%
indication for elbow flexor spasticity static splint
due to UMN pathology
may be worn at night to maintain elbow extension ROM and prevent flexion contracture
purpose, position, and indication for airplane splint
purpose = immobilization
position in abduction
- axillary burns
- contracture prevention
- humeral neck fx
- brachial plexus injury
indications and position for abduction external rotation shoulder brace
- s/p RTC repair
- after shoulder dislocation
- s/p shoulder arthrodesis
position = 30 deg ABD and 30 deg ER most comfy
shoulder sling purpose and indications
purpose = immobilization
- post trauma
- post sx
- AC or GH dislocation
long term use can lead to elbow contracture
sling vs abduction brace for s/p RTC repair
no difference in effectiveness- function, pain, or healing
sling may be more cost effective
purpose and indications for elbow, forearm, wrist orthoses
stabilizes injuries of the forearm and wrist by preventing supination and pronation
typically positioned in neutral
- distal radius fx
- forearm fx
- triangular fibrocartilage injury
- terrible triad- elbow dislocation with associated radial head and coronoid fx
- contracture prevention
sugar tong splint purpose and indication
purpose = limits forearm supination/pronation, elbow extension, and wrist motion
- carpal fxs
- distal radius fx
- distal ulna fx
indications for static wrist hand orthoses
joint replacements
peripheral nn injury
nn and tendon repair
carpal tunnel
wrist pain (prevent or manage)
contracture prevention