Lecture 6 - The Covenant of Works Flashcards
Covenant Theology
1) covenant is the bridge that connects man to God
2) God’s accommodation of man
3) Theological, biblical, & hermeneutical framework whereby God’s relationship to man & man’s relationship to God is explained, expounded, & extolled.
“All the word of God appertains to some covenant: for God speaks nothing to man without the covenant: for which case all the scripture both old and new, wherein all God’s word is contained, bears the name of God’s covenant or testament”
1) Robert Rollock, A treatise of God’s Effectual Calling
2) Covenant gives us the spectacles to be able to behold God in Christ
3) We should look at the Bible from a covenantal view
“The Doctrine of the Divine Covenant lies at the root of all true theology. It has been said that he who well understands the distinction between the Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace is a master of divinity. I am persuaded that most of the mistakes which men make concerning the Doctrines of Scripture are based upon fundamental errors with regard to the Covenants of Law and of Grace. May God grant us now the power to instruct - and you the Grace to receive instruction on this vital subject”
1) Charles Spurgeon, “The Wondrous Covenant”
2) Understanding the distinction between the covenant of works and work is a sign of maturity
3) Many errors of in understanding the Scriptures are founded on a misunderstanding of Covenants
1) Heb. Berit “to cut”
2) Bond in blood sovereignly administered
3) found in Gen. 15
1) Greek. Diatheke “last will & testament”
2) found in Heb. 9
3) Christ’s death secures the benefits for us
1) Latin. Foedus “covenant”
2) relationship through representation
3) 1 Cor. 15
1) Latin. Testamentum “testament” - to testify or witness
2) Latin word for diatheke
3) points to the fulfillment of the covenant
1) Latin. Pactum “pact or agreement”
2) agreement between two parties
3) inter-trinitarian agreement for our redemption
Goals for Covenant Theology
1) The fundamental unity of Scripture
2) Elevates the saving work of Christ as redemption for His people
3) Assurance of redemption of God’s people flows from the centrality of the accomplishment of redemption
4) Oneness of the church as the covenant community of God
5) Humanity created for communion & fellowship with God
Covenant of Works & Grace
1) Theological covenants - works and grace
2) Covenant of Works - Gen. 1-2
3) Covenant of Grace - Gen. 3 -
Unilateral nature of covenantal relationships
1) God determines the rules
2) Covenant of works (Gen. 1-2)
3) God’s framework
Bilateral nature of covenantal relationships
1) Our side of the covenant
2) Obedience (works)
3) Grace (repentance and faith)
“The distance between God and the creature is so great, that although reasonable creatures do owe obedience unto him as their Creator, yet the could never have any fruition of him as their blessedness and reward, but by some voluntary condescension on God’s part, which he hath been pleased to express by way of covenant”
1) WCF chap. 7
2) We do not deserve a covenant relationship with God
3) We can only be blessed children of God by a voluntary condescension on God’s part
“The first covenant made with man was a covenant of works, wherein life was promised to Adam, and in him to his posterity, upon condition of perfect and personal obedience”
1) WCF chap. 7
2) The first covenant between man and God was that of works
3) Based on the condition of perfect & personal obedience
“The covenant of works is the agreement between God and Adam created in God’s image to be the head and prince of the whole human race, by which God was promising him eternal life and felicity, should he obey all his precepts most perfectly, adding the threat of death, should he sin even in the least detail…”
1) Herman Witsuis, The Economy of the Covenants
2) Explains the covenant as an agreement between God and man
3) Obedience would lead to life; disobedience to death
The Grace Challenge
1) Mono - covenantalism
2) CW not based on Grace but condescending act of God
3) Grace is God’s solution to our sin
The Proof Text challenge
1) the term “covenant” is not present in Gen. 1-2
2) We know that a covenant is there because all the elements of the covenant are there
3) This is the same for the Trinity, infant baptism
Arguments for the Covenant of Works - Sovereignly administered
1) the basis of the sovereign control of God
2) One-directional
3) Founded and given by God
Arguments for the Covenant of Works - Divine Mandate
1) God’s word governs God’s relationships
2) Condition is fixed for Adam
3) Restrictions set by God
Arguments for the Covenant of Works - Blessing & Cursing
1) Framed with blessing & cursing
2) Elements found in other covenants
3) Repeated in Duet. 28 in covenant context
Arguments for the Covenant of Works - Federal in Nature
1) Hos. 6
2) Adam is the “federal head”
3) All humanity fell with Adam
“Since [the covenant] is of the greatest importance in theology (being as it were the center and bond of all religion, consisting in the communion of God with man and embracing in its compass all the benefits of God towards man and duties towards God), our highest interest lies in rightly knowing and observing it”
1) Francis Turretin, Institutes of Elenctic Theology
2) It is vital for us to have a firm understanding of covenants
3) Covenant theology is nothing less than the redemption story
The covenant of works is a pre-fall relationship between God and Adam, sovereignly and immediately administered with conditions on Adam’s obedience, attended by divine blessing and cursing, and federal in nature.
1) Definition of the covenant of works
2) Shown to have all the elements of a covenant
3) Found in Gen. 1-3