Lecture 2 - The Genesis of Humanity Flashcards
Genesis 1-3
1) The world, creation & human beings have a beginning
2) There is a sequence of progression in creation (let there be light - creation of man)
3) creation and mankind depend on God before the fall
Genealogies in Genesis
1) Heb. toledoth - generations
2) Narrative marker that unfolds plot line of Genesis
3) The Messiah is brought through toledoth
Literary Outline: Primeval history
1) Found in Gen. 1-11
2) Adam to Noah
3) History of Creation
Literary Outline: Patriarchal history
1) Found in Gen. 12-50
2) Abraham to Jacob
3) History of Covenant
Redemptive-Historical Plot line
1) Creation (Gen. 1-2) - intro to God & Man
2) Fall (Gen. 3) - Adam & Eve sin
3) Redemption (Gen. 3) - God’s promise
4) Continuation - between promise & fulfillment, living in God’s promise
5) Consummation - fulfillment
Doctrine of God in Genesis 1
1) “God” (Heb. Elohim)
2) “Elohim” used 32x in Genesis
3) God is the center of creation
Doctrine of God in Genesis 1:1
1) Monotheism - also seen in Duet 6
2) Revelation - God discloses Himself to what He has made
3) Foundational to understanding of who God is
Biblical Cosmogony
1) Greek; cosmos (world) + gonos (begetting)
2) God speaks the world into existence (Heb. 11)
3) Everything exists because of God (John 1)
Creatio ex nihilo
1) Latin for “creation out of nothing”
2) “created” Heb. bara (only attributed to God)
3) our creativity and personality is a derivative of God
Man is the apex of creation
1) Man is secondary to God but the crown of creation
2) We are God’s highest and richest self-revelation
3) Men are objects of God’s special care
Man was created as the result of the immediate, creative action of God
1) the product of the “breath of God”
2) The opposite of this would be micro evolution = God’s mediate action
3) Our creativity is a derivative of God’s
Man was created in distinction from God but is dependent on God
1) God creates all things but He is not all things
2) Deny the creator and you start worshiping the creation
3) We become like what we worship
Man was created in the image of God
1) We are God’s representatives on earth
2) Creativity, personality, & relationships are attributes we find first in God
3) Creation (original), fall (perverted), redemption (redeemed), and glory (perfected)
Man was created to reflect both gender equality and gender distinction
1) Objective gender
2) inherent dignity in being a man or woman
3) a gender is a category of the image of God
Man was created with both a soul and body
1) shapes our view of ourselves
2) we need to treat our body with honor & dignity
3) We are to love & worship God with our body
Man is the recipient of God’s revelation
1) We need God to know God
2) We will have a new revelation in heaven
3) Man needed God’s explicit communication to know His law
Man was created in covenant with God
1) Man was made to be in a covenant
2) Covenant makes life happen
3) First seen in Genesis: in benediction - Gen. 1; malediction - Gen. 3
Man was made for communion with God
1) We are made for the purpose of communion with God
2) to be truly human is to be in communion with God
3) The Sabbath principle is the end for which we are made
Man has sinned against God and stands in need of a redeemer
1) benediction turns to malediction at the fall
2) Humanity now lives under God’s judgment
3) Christ becomes cursed so that we might be blessed