Lecture 6: Plyometric Training Flashcards
Mechanical Model
series elastic component (SEC)
elastic energy is stored during an eccentric action, then released during an immediate concentric muscle action
- contributes to total force production by naturally returning muscles/tendons to their un-stretched configuration
- if concentric action does not occur immediately or the eccentric phase is too long the stored energy is lost as heat
parallel elastic component
-epimysium, perimysium, endomysium, & sarcolemma exerts a passive force with unstimulated muscle stretch
Neurophysiological Model
Potentiation fig. 16.2
change in force velocity characteristics of the muscle’s contractile components due to the stretch reflex (muscle spindles)
-if concentric muscle action does not occur immediately after the pre-stretch the potential energy is lost
Muscle Spindles
proprioceptive organs that detect a quick stretch and respond by increasing muscular activity (involuntary protective response)
-creates a breaking effect, allowing for a powerful concentric action
Stretch Shortening Cycle (SSC)
- incorporates both the energy storage capabilities of the SEC and the stimulation of the stretch reflex to facilitate a max increase in muscle recruitment of a minimal amount of time
- Plyos use SSC that ultimately increase the power of subsequent movements in the shortest possible time
SSC phases
1) eccentric
2) amortization
3) concentric
Eccentric Phase
- stretch of agonist muscle
- elastic energy is stored in the SEC
- muscle spindles are stimulated
Amortization phase
- pause between phases
- type Ia afferent nerves synapse with alpha motor neurons
- alpha motor neurons transmit signals to agonist muscle group
Concentric Phase
- shortening of agonist muscle
- elastic energy is released from the SEC (mechanical)
- alpha motor neurons stimulate the agonist muscle group (neurophysiological)
SSC combines…
mechanical and neurophysiological mechanisms
- is the basis of plyos
- rapid eccentric muscle action stimulates the stretch reflex and storage of elastic energy which increase force produced during subsequent concentric action
Highest Jump
1) Approach Jump
2) Countermovement Jump
3) Static Squat Jump
Lower Body Plyos
Jumps in place standing jumps multiple hops and jumps bounds box drills depth jumps
Jumps in Place
- jump and land in same spot without rest
- emphasis on vertical
- amortization phase: between jumps
ex) squat jump, tuck jump, split-squat jump, pike jump