Lecture 6: Lungs and pleura Flashcards
What are the divisions of the thoracic caivty?
- Right hemithorax (R lung) - Left hemithorax (L lung) - Mediastinum -> Heart and related structures
What lines the chest cavities?
Pluera! (also opportunity for pathologies
What are the pleura of the chest cavity?
Visceral pleura (outer surface lungs) Parietal pleura (Lining pulmonary cavity) ENDOTHORACIC FASCIA Pulmonary ligament
What is the endothoracic fascia?
- Adheres costal parietal pleura to thoracic wall - Continuous with fibrous supraplueral membrane
What is the pulmonary ligament?
Sleeve of pleura hanging down from lung root
What innervates the visceral pleura? whats its sensitivity to pain?
ANS - T1-4 sympathetic - Vagus (CN X) (Insensitive to pain, this is referred)
What innervates the parietal pleura? Whats its sensitivity to pain?
- Intercostal nerves - Phrenic nerve (C3-5 keeps the diaphragm alive) Sensitive to pain, localised pain
What keeps the diaphragm alive?
C3,4,5 keep the diaphragm alive
For the surface markings of pleura and lungs what are the landmarks in relation to?
The landmarks are in relation to the ribs not the vertebral level
What are some surface markings of the lungs?
Lungs (up in 2’s) (This is where the base is found depending on which angle you are on) - Midclavicular line rib 6 (Front) - Mid-axillary line rib 8 (Side) - Scapular line rib 10 (Back)
What are some surface markings of the pleura?
Pluera (up in 2’s) (This is where the pleura base should be depending on what angle you are on) - Mid-clavicular line rib 8 (Front) - Mid axillary line rib 10 (Side) - Scapular line rib 12 (Back)
What are the recesses of the lung and what does this mean?
- Costodiaphragmatic recesses (Post-lower ribs) - Costomediastinal recesses These are potential spaces…
Discuss the importance of the costodiaphragmatic recesses;
- A potential space filled on inhalation - Fluid can accumulate and blunt the costodiaphragmatic angle // prevent lung expansion
What are the lobes and fissures of the left lung?
- Sup and inf. lobes - Oblique fissure
What are the lobes and fissures of the right lung?
- Sup, middle and inferior lobes - Oblique and transverse fissures