Lecture 6 Inhalational Anesthetic Agents Flashcards
What was the first anesthetic?
Nitrous oxide
What are the 3 anesthetic agents we use today?
- Sevoflurane
- Desflurane
- Isoflurane
What are the different ways inhalation anesthetics are administered?
- Mask
- Induction chamber
- Endotracheal tubes
- Which anesthetics are liquiz at standard temperature and pressure (STP)?
- How are they delivered?
- Liquid:
- Sevoflurane
- Desflurane
- Isoflurane
- Delivered via a vaporizer in gaseous state
- What anesthetic is gas at STP
- How is it delivered?
- Nitrous oxide
- Delivered via a flow meter in gaseous state
- What is partial pressure?
- Total pressure?
- Each gas exerts own pressure (partial pressure)
- Dalton’s Law
- Total pressure = sum of partial pressures
What is Saturated Vapor Pressure (SVP)
- Vapor pressure - exerted by molecules in gaseous phase in the container
- Saturated – maximum achievable conc. of molecules in gaseous phase at a specific temperature
- Equilibrium – dynamic exchange between molecules in liquid and gaseous phase
- Is saturated Vapor Pressure (SVP) dependent on atmospheric pressure?
- Temperature?
- Unaffected by altitude
- Is affected by temperature
Does the Saturated Vapor Pressure (SVP) change between agents
Yes, its Agent specific
What agent needs to be electricly heated?
Gas movement driven by:
- Partial pressure gradient across tissues
- In mixtures each gas follows its gradient
- Chemical affinity for tissue e.g. lipid solubility
Movement stops at _____?
- equilibrium
- Same partial pressure, not same concentration!
- What is the Partition Coefficient
- What does a low or high number mean?
- Indicates gas affinity for adjacent tissue at equilibrium
- Expressed with names of tissues followed by number
- e.g. blood/gas p.c. = 0.5
- blood/brain p.c. = 3
- low partition coefficient means less soluble
what is the purpose of Modern Vaporizers
- Dilute anesth. vapor to safe % for patient
- Deliver precisely the selected %
- Can you use different agents between vaporizers?
- Different concentrations?
- Is it temperature compensated?
- Agent specific
- Concentration calibrated
- Temperature compensated
What happens to the anesthetic agents if they are not temperature compensated?
- Molecules evaporate –> liquid agent cools
- SVP drops –> less molecules evaporate
- Vaporizer % output becomes inaccurate
- Less anesth. gas reaches the patient
- Patient wakes up
14( need good notes)
How do the vaporizers do Temperature Compensation
- Made of copper or bronze
- High thermal conductivity (heat sink)
- Device that alters carrier gas flow ratio
- E.g. bimetallic strip
What affects the Kinetics of Inhalational Anesthetics from alveoli to blood?
- Gas delivery to alveoli
- Gas % in alveoli
- Alveolar ventilation
- Gas removal from alveoli
- Solubility in blood
- Alveolar-venous gradient
- Cardiac output
- High CO delays onset of anesthesia
What affects the Kinetics of Inhalational Anesthetics from blood to tissues?
- Blood supply to tissue/organ
- Solubility in tissue
- Tissue/organ size
What are the highly vascularized organs that recieve about 70% of cardiac output
- Brain
- Liver
- Kidney
- Heart
- What affects how deep an animal gets in anesthesia (regarding kinetics)
- How does the animal recover?
- the uptake of anesthesia by the brain and spinal cord effects how deep the animal is
- reversing the gradient (turning off anesthetic) the anesthesia moves out from the tissues, into the blood, and is then exhaled out of the body- animal then recovers
- What happens if an agent has a low blood/gas p.c?
- What about high?
- Will get to brain faster
- Will get to brain slower
- What happens if an agent is least soluble?
- More soluble?
Rate of rise in the alveolar anesthetic concentration (FA) toward the inspired concentration (FI).
- The rise is most rapid with the least soluble agent and
- slowest with the most soluble agent.
What is MAC?
Minimal Alveolar Concentration (MAC) of anesthetic that prevents purposeful movement in response to a standard noxious stimulus in 50% of a test population
- How is MAC established?
- If you have a high MAC will you have a low or high potency?
- Established in experimental animals at STP
- Anesthetized with anesthetic gas only
- Stimulus = skin incision, tail or toe clamp
- High MAC = low potency
What are the MAC values of isoflurane for
- Horse
- Dogs
- Cat
- Ranges
- Vaporizer scale
- Horse- 1.3
- Dog- 1.3
- Cat- 1.6
- Range- 1.3 - 1.6
- Vaporizer scale- 0-5
What are the MAC values of sevoflurane for:
- Horse
- Dogs
- Cat
- Ranges
- Vaporizer scale
- Horse- 2.3
- Dog- 2.4
- Cat- 2.6
- Range- 2.3-2.5
- Vaporizer scale- 0-8
What are the MAC values of desflurane for:
- Horse
- Dogs
- Cat
- Ranges
- Vaporizer scale
- Horse- 7
- Dog- 7-10
- Cat- 9-10
- Range- 7-10
- Vaporizer scale- 0-18
What are factors that decrease MAC
- Sedatives, analgesic, N2O
- MAC sparing effect
- Old age
- Hypothermia
- Hypotension
- Pregnancy (25-40% MAC reduction)
- Severe hypoxemia (PaO2 < 38 mm Hg)
- Severe hypercapnia (PaCO2 > 90 mm Hg)
What are factors that increase MAC
- Hyperthermia
- Pediatric (human)
- Sympathoadrenal stimulation
- How can you measure gas during anesthesia
- What do the numbers mean
- Gas analyzer: displays insp. & exp. %
- Exp. % (ET or alveolar) mirrors brain tension
- Compare exp. % to MAC for clinical use
What does the 1.5 mean?
Are giving to much
What is the Mechanism of Action of anesthetic agents
interaction with proteins
- Transmembrane proteins of ion channels
- GABAA and glycine receptors
- Enhancement of inhibitory post-synaptic channel activity
- NMDA and serotonin receptors
- Inhibit excitatory synaptic channel activity
- GABAA and glycine receptors
How is nitrous oxide administered
- 50% nitrous oxide mixed with 50% O2
- O2 must be at least 30% O2 in mixture
- Risk of hypoxic gas mixture
What are advantages to Nitrous Oxide (N2O)
- Analgesic properties
- MAC sparing effect on other gases
- Does not cause hypotension
What is the Second Gas Effect of N2O
- If push a lot of N20 to the blood and the concentration is higher than the inhalant, then there isnt a lot of inhalant so then the inhalent will diffuse to the blood
- N2O enhances initial uptake of co-administered gas (2nd gas)
- Due to initial high-volume N2O uptake
N2O Diffuses in Gas-filled Cavities, when do you not use it because of this?
- Rumen-stomach-intestine
- Middle ear
- Closed pneumothorax
- Air bubbles/emboli
- ET tube cuff
What can cause a Hypoxic Gas Mixture during Anesthesia
- Risk with circle system at low fresh gas flows
- N2O not metabolized & rapidly equilibrates with brain
- % builds up in the breathing system
- Reduces O2 % in system
- N2O not metabolized & rapidly equilibrates with brain
If no gas analyzer available, how do you prevent a Hypoxic Gas Mixture during Anesthesia
- High fresh flow to prevent N2O build up
- Avoid N2O
- What is Diffusion Hypoxia at Recovery using N2O
- How can you prevent it?
- As soon as administration is discontinued N2O leaves body tissues and ‘floods’ alveoli
- Reduced O2 % in alveoli
- Provide high O2 flow for several minutes after N2O off
What are N2O Toxicities
- Chronic exposure (traces)
- Impairs vitamin B12 synthesis
- Myelin formation
- DNA synthesis
- Has been associated with: (long term exposure)
- Miscarriage
- Teratogenicity
- Bone marrow depression
- Peripheral neuropathies
- Depressed leucocyte function
What do all anesthetic agents do to arterial blood pressure
Decrease, hypotension
What cardiovascular effects do all anesthetic agents cause?
Decreased arteriole blood pressure and hypotension
- Why does carbon monoxide get produced from anesthetic agents?
- Which agents?
- Anesth gas reaction with soda lime
- Agents:
- Des & Isoflurane (CHF2 moiety)
- Sevoflurane (if high T° & dry soda lime)
- What are predisposing factors of Carbon Monoxide Production
- What can you do to avoid buildup?
- Predisposing factors
- Dry soda lime
- High NaOH conc.
- To avoid build up:
- Fresh soda lime
- High fresh gas flow
- What causes compound A?
- Why is it bad?
- How do you prevent?
- Product of sevoflourine degradation
- Likely when hot or dry soda lime
- Nephrotoxic in rats at high conc.
- For safety at least 2 L/min O2 in circle system
- Probably not a clinical concern in animals
- What is Malignant Hyperthermia
- What causes it?
- Which agents can cause it?
- Life-threatening myopathy
- animal becomes stiff and increased temperature
- Due to genetic defect
- Possible with all -fluranes
- Not with N2O
- Which animals can get malignant hyperthermia
- What is the treatment?
- Humans, pigs, dogs, horses
- Treatment
- Dantrolene (muscle relaxant)
- Symptomatic