Lecture 6 Induction: Etomidate and Ketamine Exam 2 Flashcards
Even though Methohexital (Brevital) has a higher non-ionized component (76%) at normal pH than pentothal (61%). Why does Methohexital have a lower lipid solubility than pentothal?
Oxybarbitruates (Methohexital) have oxygen at the second position. Replacement of the oxygen with sulfur atom results in the corresponding thiobarbiturates (Pentothal) which are much more lipid soluble and have greater potency.
Basically, percent ionization can not be the sole factor to determine solubility. In this example, chemical structure determines lipid solubility.
When giving a highly lipid-soluble drug, why would a lower dose be administered to someone with a high fat-to-bodyweight ratio (obese patient and geriatrics)?
When there is a high fat-to-bodyweight there will be less blood volume to kilogram ratio. For this reason, it is important to administer certain drugs by ideal body weight.
Just think less lean muscle, lower drug dose.
Etomidate is the only (chemical structure) __________-containing compound.
What does that mean?
carboxylated imidazole
This means that etomidate is water-soluble at an acidic pH and lipid-soluble at physiological pH (7.4).
Due to etomidate using 35% ______________ as a carrier agent, there will be pain at the injection site and venous irritation.
propylene glycol
Make sure to use lidocaine before to numb the internal structures of the vein (excluding cardiac patients)
Etomidate has a high incidence of _________.
(Make sure to not mistake the myoclonus for the patient being awake, giving more etomidate will increase myoclonus.)
Myoclonus is the most significant adverse side effect of etomidate.
Etomidate is the only induction drug with direct systemic absorption in the oral mucosa that bypasses ___________.
Hepatic Metabolism
The percentage of the active drug does not decrease if given PO due to bypassing hepatic metabolism.
What is the mechanism of action of Etomidate?
Selective modulator of GABA-Alpha receptors.
What percent of etomidate is bound to albumin?
Remember: drugs bound to albumin are inactive. The free-floating drugs are the ones that are active.
Etomidate has a large Vd, resulting in a clearance that is _______ times faster than thiopental. What does this mean for the patient?
5 times faster
Prompt awakening with Etomidate.
The large Vd of etomidate counteracts the 76% binding capacity to albumin
How is Etomidate metabolized?
Hydrolysis by hepatic microsomal enzymes and plasma esterases.
What is the elimination half-time for Etomidate?
Percent of Etomidate eliminated in the urine and bile?
2-5 hours
85% eliminated in the urine
10-13% eliminated in the bile
What is the dose of etomidate?
What is the onset time?
Dose: 0.3 mg/kg IV
Range: 0.2 to 0.45 mg/kg IV
Onset: 1 minute
For clinical use, etomidate is a great alternative to _______.
or _____ for IV induction of anesthesia.
Propofol or Barbiturates
Etomidate also has no hangover or cumulative drug effects, unlike pentothal and thiopental.
Etomidate is best suited for what type of patients for induction?
Unstable Cardiovascular patients, especially the ones with little or no cardiac reserves.
What are the analgesic effects of etomidate?
There is no analgesic effects
Opioids are used with etomidate during direct laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation.
What can be given to attenuate the myoclonic effects of etomidate prior to administration?
Opioids (*Fentanyl 1 to 2 mcg/kg) or BZD
What is the incidence rate of myoclonus with etomidate?
Caution use in patients with seizure history
Etomidate causes myoclonus due to alteration in the balance of inhibitory and excitatory influences on the ________ tract.
Thalamocortical Tract
Fentanyl concentration: 50 mcg/mL .
Patient’s weight is 100 kg.
Administer 1 mcg/kg to attenuate myoclonus, how many ml will you administer?
2 mL
How does etomidate affect adrenocortical response?
Etomidate will cause adrenocortical suppression.
(Dose-dependent inhibition of the conversion of cholesterol to cortisol, decrease stress response)
What will be the result of adrenocortical suppression from etomidate?
Enzyme inhibition will last between _____ to _____ hours after the initial dose.
Severe hypotension
Longer Mechanical Ventilation
4 to 8 hours after the initial dose of etomidate
When might we need to keep our cortical response intact and might have to consider an alternative besides etomidate?
When dealing with septic or hemorrhagic patients
What does this graph tell you?
Etomidate is associated with a decrease in the plasma concentration of cortisol.
CNS side effects of etomidate include a decrease in ______ and ________.
Decrease in Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) and Cerebral Metabolic Rate of O2 (CMRO2).
CBF and CMRO2 decrease by 35% to 45%