Lecture 6 Evolutionary genetics Flashcards
What has evolution to do with genetics?
*DNA is very precious. It is long-lasting, in Eukaryotes is housed in the nucleus and stays there for the whole process.
*The genome is very large (it contains an entire organism’s “instruction manual”). A cell can find the relevant section and make a copy (TRANSCRIBE) from RNA.
*RNA moves out of the nucleus, into the cytoplasm to be TRANSLATED into protein.
what is the central dogma of biology?
DNA replication->transcription->translation
what are genes and alleles?
Gene:a segment of DNA involved in producing a polypeptide chain
Can include regions that don’t code for amino acids (UTRs, promoter, introns…)
A unit of heredity
Mendel’s “heritable factors”
Allele: one of a series of alternative forms of a gene that occupy the same locus on a particular chromosome and that control the same character
Mendel’s “alternative versions”
e.g. the pea gene controlling flower colour has two alleles: Pand p The human gene controlling ABO blood type has three alleles: IA, IB and i
Where did the study of genetics start?
A long time ago!
Heredity has been discussed since antiquity –Ancient Indians & Ancient Greeks had theories about how traits are passed from parents to offspring
Johann Gregor Mendel (1822-84): the modern “father” of genetics
What did he do?
Studied inheritance in peas in a quantitative way:
Crossed peas with distinctive characters, recorded and analysed results mathematically.
Hypotheses: do the traits blend(like paint) or are they discrete heritable units?
what were Mendel’s experiments?
Pea plants with distinct characters, e.g. flower colour –always either white or purple, no intermediates
Remove stamen (pollen-producing) while immature to prevent self-fertilisation
Cross fertilise: pollen from white flowers to carpel from purple flowers and vice-versa
First filial offspring (F1) –all purple
Second filial offspring (F2) –705 purple, 224 white
Mendel’s experiments: conclusions
Reject blending model of inheritance –all F1 flowers are as purple as parents
White trait isn’t lost –it appears again in the F2 generation
White trait is hidden by the purple trait: white trait is recessive, purple trait is dominant.
Mendel used the term “heritable factor” –today we call these genes
The ratio in the F2generation is always approx. 3 : 1 dominant : recessive
Based on this Mendel proposed a model culminating in the Law of Segregation
Mendel’s first law: Segregation
- Alternative versions of heritable factors account for variations in inherited characters
- For each character each organism inherits two copies of each heritable factor, one from each parent
- If the two versions differ then one, the dominant version, determines the organism’s appearance while the other (recessive) has no noticeable effect on the organism’s appearance
- The two copies of a heritable character separate from one another during the formation of the gametes, ending up in different gametes
Mendel’s second law: Independent Assortment
Mendel’s second law, also known as the Law of Independent Assortment, describes how different genes segregate independently of each other during the formation of gametes (sex cells). This principle applies when genes for different traits are located on different chromosomes or are far apart from each other on the same chromosome. Mendel’s experiments with pea plants helped elucidate this principle.
Here’s an explanation of Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment:
Two Genes on Different Chromosomes: When an individual inherits two genes for different traits located on different chromosomes, the alleles for each trait segregate independently during gamete formation. This means that the assortment of one pair of alleles into gametes is not influenced by the assortment of another pair of alleles.
Random Alignment during Meiosis I: During meiosis, homologous chromosomes line up randomly at the metaphase plate during metaphase I. This random alignment ensures that each gamete receives a random combination of maternal and paternal chromosomes, leading to genetic diversity in the offspring.
Genetic Variation: Independent assortment results in the production of gametes with different combinations of alleles for different genes. This genetic variation contributes to the diversity of offspring produced in sexually reproducing organisms.
Exceptions to Independent Assortment: The Law of Independent Assortment applies when genes are located on different chromosomes or are far apart from each other on the same chromosome. However, genes located close together on the same chromosome may not assort independently due to genetic linkage, which is the tendency of alleles to be inherited together.
how did Understanding Mendelian genetics mean now we know about DNA?
As predicted by Mendel’s experimentsPea plants are diploid: 2 copies of each chromosome
-So are humans… and many other species
-2 copies of each heritable factor potentially with alternative versions
-2 copies of eachgene potentially with different alleles
During meiosis, haploid gametes are produced & the alleles segregate
define locus, homozygous and heterozygous
Locus (plural loci) –a specific position on a chromosome where a gene is located
Homozygous –having two identical alleles for a particular gene
Heterozygous –having two different alleles for a particular gene
what is Genetic Variation
Genetic variation among individuals is caused by differences in genes or other DNA segments
Phenotype is the product of inherited genotype and environmental influences
Natural selection can only act on variation with a genetic component
Where does genetic variability come from?
Errors may occur during the replication of DNA
If this occurs in the gametes (eggs and sperm) it manifests in the offspring
If it affects a protein (level or sequence) it may impact on the organism
what is a silent mutation?
Silent mutation: no change in amino acid sequence e.g. GAG →GAA both encode glutamate
-Lots of DNA is “junk” –doesn’t encode anything
what is conservative mutation?
Conservative mutation: one amino acid is changed for a similar amino acid
-e.g. GAG →GAC means aspartate replaces glutamate
-Some amino acids changes might not affect protein function
what is Non-conservative (mis-sense) mutation?
one amino acid is changed for a very different amino acid
e.g. GAG →CAG means lysine replaces glutamate
Some amino acids might have a key function
what is a nonsense mutation
Nonsense mutation: stop codon (protein is truncated)Null allele: no functional protein is produced at al
Why might alleles be dominant or recessive?
Imagine an enzyme, Bluaseis encoded by the gene BLU and is responsible for producing the purple pigment in flowers.
It catalyses this reaction: White pigment →Purple pigmentBLUis present as two alleles: BLU, with an alanine in position 12, and blu where the alanine is replaced by aspartate.
BLU encodes a functioning copy of the enzyme, blu encodes a version that doesn’t fold properly so isn’t functional.
Any plant with a BLUallele will still be able to do the white →purple reaction, because there is a functional copy of the enzyme present.
It doesn’t matter if a non-functional copy is also present, so BLU/BLU and BLU/blu plants will have purple flowers.
However, blu/bluplants have white flowers because no functional copy of Bluaseis present.
This means BLUis dominantbut bluis recessive
- Genotypes and phenotypes
Phenotype: The observable traitsor characteristics of an organism, e.g. hair colour, weight, presence/absence of a disease
Note phenotypic traits might not necessarily be entirely genetic
Genotype: The genetic constitution of an organism (i.e. the specific allele makeup of the individual) usually when referring to a specific character under consideration
e.g. a person whose phenotypeis blood group A can have the genotype IAIA or IAi
A pea plant with phenotype purple flowers can have genotype PP or Pp
what is incomplete dominance?
Incomplete dominance
e.g. red vs white flowers in snapdragons
CWallele null (the protein encoded makes no pigment)
CR allele does not make enough to compensate therefore
CRCW flowers are pink
what is codominance?
Both alleles contribute separately to phenotype e.g. ABO blood group: alleles IA & IB codominant
what is complete dominance?
e.g. purple vs white flower colour in pea
Do genetic traits always assort independently?
A chromosome is one long string of DNA so genes on the same chromosome are, in theory, linked together
However recombination happens during meiosis
The further apart two genes are the more likely it is that recombination will occur in between them
This can be used to map genetic loci
what is Pleiotropy and epistasis?
Pleiotropy: one gene affects several phenotypic characters
e.g. people with red hair are usually fair-skinned
Epistasis: expression of a gene at one locus impacts on a gene at a second locus
e.g. coat colour in Labradors: black, chocolate or golden
Two gene loci involved:
-Locus 1:affects pigment synthesis
allele B(black) dominant to b(brown)
-Locus 2: affects pigment deposition to hair
allele E(deposition) dominant to e(no deposition)
E/e gene is epistatic to B/bgene
What causes this variation?
Many characters do not show the distinctive forms but vary along a continuum
What causes this variation?
1.Not one or two but many different alleles (e.g. enzymes with subtly different activity)
2.Not one or two but many different genes might contribute (MC1R, KITLGM, ASIP, SLC14a5, TYR… are all genes involved in determining skin colour).
3.Could be non-genetic input.
what are Multifactorial traits –the impact of environment on phenotype
Hydrangeas can be pink to violet in colour.
Genetically identical, but colour also depends on soil acidity and aluminium content.
The norm of reaction
The phenotypic range of a particular genotype varies.
No range: ABO blood type
Broad range: Hydrangea colour
In between: Height, weight, skin colour.
Multifactorial traits what can affect the expression of characteristics?
both genes and the environment
what characteristics are 50/50 genetic and environmental?
skin colour
number of offspring
how does viral evolution occur?
Viral evolution occurs through several mechanisms, driven by the genetic variability of viruses and their interactions with hosts and environments. Here are some key processes involved in viral evolution:
Mutation: Like all organisms, viruses undergo genetic mutations, which are changes in their genetic material (RNA or DNA). These mutations can arise during viral replication due to errors in the copying of genetic material or exposure to mutagenic agents. Mutations can lead to changes in viral proteins, including those involved in host cell recognition, replication, and evasion of the immune system.
Recombination: Some viruses have genomes that consist of multiple segments or contain regions of repeated sequences. Recombination can occur when segments of genetic material from different viruses mix during co-infection of a host cell or through reassortment of segmented genomes. Recombination can result in the generation of novel viral strains with combinations of genetic traits from different parent viruses.
Selection Pressure: Viruses face selective pressures imposed by hosts, immune responses, antiviral drugs, and environmental factors. Viral variants that are better adapted to their environment, such as those capable of evading host immune responses or resisting antiviral drugs, are more likely to survive and replicate. This selective advantage can lead to the proliferation of specific viral strains within a population.
Host Range Expansion: Viruses can undergo evolutionary changes that enable them to infect new host species or adapt to new tissues or cell types within a host organism. Host range expansion can occur through mutations that enhance viral binding or entry into host cells, alter host cell tropism, or overcome host barriers to infection.
Immune Evasion: Viruses can evolve mechanisms to evade host immune responses, such as by mutating viral surface proteins to evade recognition by antibodies or downregulating host immune pathways. Immune evasion strategies allow viruses to persist within host populations and contribute to ongoing viral evolution.
Antiviral Resistance: Viruses can develop resistance to antiviral drugs through mutations that affect drug targets, such as viral enzymes or viral entry receptors. Resistance mutations may reduce the effectiveness of antiviral therapies and drive the emergence of drug-resistant viral strains.
Epidemiological Factors: Viral evolution can be influenced by epidemiological factors such as transmission dynamics, population size, geographic spread, and patterns of human behavior. These factors can shape the frequency and spread of viral variants within and between host populations.
Overall, viral evolution is a dynamic process driven by genetic variation, selective pressures, and interactions between viruses, hosts, and environments. Understanding viral evolution is essential for predicting the emergence of novel viral pathogens, designing effective vaccines and antiviral therapies, and controlling the spread of viral diseases.
how does bacterial evolution occur?
During acute bacterial infections, bacterial evolution can occur rapidly, driven by the selective pressures imposed by the host immune response, antibiotic treatment, and the microenvironment within the host. Here’s how bacterial evolution may unfold during an acute infection:
Adaptation to Host Environment: Upon entering the host, bacteria encounter a new environment with different nutrient availability, pH levels, temperature, and immune defenses. Bacteria may undergo rapid changes in gene expression and metabolism to adapt to these conditions, allowing them to colonize host tissues and evade immune detection.
Immune Evasion: Bacteria face selective pressures from the host immune system, which mounts a defense against the invading pathogens. Bacterial variants with mutations or other adaptations that allow them to evade immune detection or clearance are more likely to survive and proliferate within the host. This can lead to the emergence of bacterial strains with altered surface antigens, reduced susceptibility to phagocytosis, or enhanced ability to resist immune effectors.
Antibiotic Resistance: If antibiotics are used to treat the infection, bacteria may evolve resistance to the antimicrobial agents through mechanisms such as mutation, horizontal gene transfer, or selection of pre-existing resistant variants. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria can emerge rapidly within a bacterial population under selective pressure from antibiotic treatment, leading to treatment failure and prolonged infection.
Quorum Sensing and Virulence Regulation: Bacteria often use quorum sensing to coordinate the expression of virulence factors, which are molecules that enable them to colonize host tissues, evade immune defenses, and cause tissue damage. Evolutionary changes in quorum sensing systems or virulence regulation can influence the severity and outcome of the infection, as well as the host response to the bacteria.
Genetic Diversity and Competition: Within the host, bacterial populations may exhibit genetic diversity due to mutation, horizontal gene transfer, or pre-existing genetic variation. This diversity can lead to competition between bacterial variants for limited resources within the host environment, shaping the dynamics of the infection and influencing the outcome of the disease.
Evolutionary Trade-Offs: Bacteria may face trade-offs between traits such as virulence, antibiotic resistance, and metabolic efficiency. Evolutionary changes that enhance one trait may come at the expense of others, leading to complex dynamics within bacterial populations during infection.
Overall, bacterial evolution during acute infection is a dynamic process driven by genetic variation, selective pressures, and interactions with the host environment. Understanding the mechanisms of bacterial evolution is crucial for developing effective strategies for infection control, antibiotic stewardship, and the treatment of infectious diseases.