Lecture 1 Evolutionary concepts Flashcards
what was the Greek perspective on the organisation of life?
Organisms are arranged in a “scale of nature” or Great Chain of Being. Ladder from inanimate to plants, lower animals and humans
-the hierarchy of organisms was based on some being more sophisticated and intelligent than others
-Each species isolated
-Perfectly designed
-Matched to environment
how old did Archbishop James Ussher (1581-1656) think the world was?
Calculated Earth was precisely 5,668years old based on religion
in the XVII Century -Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778) classified organisms how?
*Classified organisms by their structure
*Developed a BINOMIAL NOMENCLATURE naming system still used today: (Genus, species)
example being- Panthera pardus
Only the genus is in capital letter
Genus and species are both always in Italics
what is the Linnaeus’hierarchical system?
Kingdom, Phylum, Class Order, Family, Genus, Species
what are the different domains of life?
Bacteria (Prokaryotes)
Archaea (Prokaryotes)
Eukarya (Eukaryotes)
what are the different kingdoms in the domains?
Domain: Bacteria
-Kingdom Bacteria
Domain: Archaea
-Kingdom Archaea
Domain: Eukarya
-Kingdom Protista (Protists)
-Kingdom Fungi
-Kingdom Plantae (Plants)
-Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
-Kingdom Chromista (sometimes included under Protista)
did Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778) identify that species can change over time?
-The pattern of his system reflected a divine plan
“There are as many species as the Infinite Being produced diverse forms in the beginning,”
-Admitted that some species might change in time (hybrid
what did Nicolaus Steno (1638–86) develop and how?
Nicolaus Steno (1638–86): Developed ideas on geology and stratigraphy and questioned accepted knowledge of the natural world
-1666 dissected a large shark-Teeth similar to“tongue stones”
Proposed that teeth gradually transformed into stones
-People started studying similarities of organs between species.
what is the Legend of Snakes and Stones? what is this referring too?
St. Hilda was said to have decapitated snakes and turned them into stones (1586) she was referring to fossils resembling snakes
how did Paleontology show evidence that life changed?
Georges Cuvier (1769-1832)
-Fossils similar (but different) to modern species
-showed Many past species are extinct
Mary Anning (1799–1847)
-Discovered several species of extinct marine reptiles
Extinction: in the past some species had simply died out. why was this controversial?
It was controversial because it implied:
➔not all God’s creations were perfect, and some doomed to failure
➔Life changes
-Discovery that different rock layers contain distinct groups of fossils
-Different layers, different age
-Marine fossils in the mountains?
what did Charles Lyell state in Principles of Geology (1830)?
“The formation of Earth’s crust took place through countless small changes occurring over vast periodsof time, all according to known natural laws”
-Earth is much older
-The processes at work today are the same as those that have been operating throughout the entire history of Earth
what were Georges Buffon’s (1707–88) early ideas of evolution
-Earth was older than previously thought (at least 70,000 years)
-Life transformed when environment changed (ex: skin pigmentation
what were Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck’s (1744–1829) early ideas of evolution
-Species evolve through natural processes
-Organisms arise by spontaneous generation
-Adaptation occurred through the inheritance of acquired changes
what was the classic view before Darwin?
-Earth 6,000 years old
-Each species immutable since creatio
what was the mordern view before Darwin?
-Earth must be very old
-Earth transformed gradually over vast amounts of time
-Species get extinct and leave fossils
-Life emerged as distinct types; transformed when the environment changed
-Species evolve through natural processes
-Adaptation occurred through inheritance of acquired change
when was the HMS Beagle voyage?
Charles Darwin -HMS Beagle Voyage (1831-1836)
what did Darwin determine with finches?
Relationship amongst species
-Each island had a distinct species of finch
-The species were similar (colour, size, shape), but separate species
-A small population of an ancestral species arrived at the islands from the mainland a long time ago
-Because of the isolation, subpopulations gradually diverged into different species
what is adaptive radiation?
Adaptive radiation is an evolutionary process in which organisms rapidly diversify into a multitude of new forms, particularly when a change in the environment makes new resources available, creates new challenges, or opens new environmental niches. This diversification often results in the development of new species that are adapted to exploit different ecological niches.
what is Artificial & Natural Selection?
Natural selection is the process by which organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring. This mechanism, first proposed by Charles Darwin, explains how species evolve over time.
Artificial selection, also known as selective breeding, is the process by which humans breed plants and animals for particular genetic traits. Unlike natural selection, artificial selection is intentional and directed.
What did Darwin know beforehand?
The Principles of Geology(1830–33)
-Earth landscape formed by series of small changes
-Earth (and life) are much older
Essay on the Principle of Populations (1798)
-Populations reproduce exponentially-Finite resources limit the population
-More organisms are born that can possibly survive
who was Alfred Russel Wallace?
Britishnaturalist , explorer,anthropologist &geographer
-Malay Archipelago: identified the Wallace Line (faunal divide) separates the Indonesian archipelago into two distinct parts:
Independently conceived the theory of evolution through natural selection
where did Darwin present evolution by Natural Selection?
in “On the Origin of Species ” by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life (24 November 1859)
Main message: Evolution as meaning of changes in organisms
what does Evolution by Natural Selection suggest?
- Individual variations within a population -morphology, physiology, behaviour
- Variation is heritable
- Some forms are more successful at surviving and reproducing than other in a given environment
Differential reproductive success based on the traits of the organicm
what is the definition of evolution?
“Change in the frequency of alleles in a population time“
what is an allele?
A variant of a gene or trait
what is a population?
A localized group of organisms which belong to the same species
what are genotypes and phenotypes?
Genotype: the set of genes that an organism carries
-usually with reference to a specific trait
Phenotype: observable trait of an organism-traits is the expression of a genotype and can be measured, (hair or eye colour)
Some genes enable an individual to survive/reproduce most effectively.
➔Differential reproduction of genotypes
But Natural selection operates on the variation of phenotypes!
what is an adaptation?
ADAPTATION: trait that has been selected by Natural selection and provides some improved function
Individuals with these traits tend to survive better and/or reproduce more => Better adapted
what is a selective pressure?
Selective pressure refers to any environmental factor that influences the survival and reproductive success of individuals within a population. It is a key mechanism driving evolution through natural selection. Selective pressures can be biotic (living) or abiotic (non-living) factors that affect an organism’s ability to survive and reproduce.
do individuals evolve or do populations evolve?
it is always populations
The whole population evolves
how does Evolution by Natural Selection occur?
1.Individual variations within a population
2.Variation is heritable
3.Some forms are more successful at reproducing