Lecture 6 - Digestion and Absorption: Carbs, Protein, and Water-soluble Vits Flashcards
The majority of water absorbed in the small intestine is absorbed within which section?
Where is most vit B-12 absorbed?
Amylase breaks down amylose and amylopectin to form _____, _____, Glucose oligomers, and __-____ _____.
____ and ______ are broken down into Glucose by Glcoamylase, Sucrase, and Isomaltase.
___-____ ______ is broken down into smaller branched saccharides + Glucose by Glucoamylase –> ______ breaks down those smaller saccharides into Maltotriose and Glucose –> Glucoamylase, Sucrase, and Isomaltase break down the resulting Maltotriose into 3 Glucose molecules.
Maltose, Matotriose, and Alpha-limit dextrin
Maltose and Matotriose
Alpha-limit dextrin
Sucrose is broken into its component sugar moieties _____ and _____. Which one is absorbed via SGLT1 and which is absorbed via GLUT5?
How does the metabolism of Lactose compare?
Glucose and Fructose
Glucose is absorbed via SGLT1 and Fructose via GLUT5.
Lactose is broken down into Glucose and Galactose, both of which are absorbed via SGLT1.
Glucose, Galactose, and Fructose are transported out of the basolateral side of intestinal brush boarder cells via ______.
Expired _____ will increase about an hour or so after consumption of Lactose in patients who are lactose intolerant –> no lactase, so bacteria ferments it creating CH4 and ____ as byproducts.
The avg human needs to replace about ___g of protein per day lost via secretions, sloughed cells, and other losses. Protein hydrolysis begins in the stomach with ______ (the enzyme). Then, _______ secreted from the pancreas is cleaved/activated in the brush boarder of the duodenum by Enterokinase. The activated form, ______, can then autocleave its own inactive form to its active form, as well as activating other zymogens.
Oligopeptides with penultimate Proline or Alanine residues are broken down into Di- and Tripeptides via _________ __________. These Di- and Tripeptides can either be further broken down into Amino acids via _____ _____ or transported into the cytosol of brush boarder cells with cotransport of H+ via _______.
Dipeptidyl Aminotransferase
Amino Peptidase
BoAT1 amino acid transporter transports _______ (Basic, Acidic, or Neutral?) AAs from the lumen into the cytosol of brush boarder cells in Cotransport with _____.
A defect in this transporter can lead to _______ disease. Patients with this disease can present with symptoms of ______ deficiency and/or dermatitis triggered by the ______.
Hartnup’s disease
Niacin deficiency
Ascorbic Acid (aka Vit ___) is absorbed throughout the Small Intestine via ______.
Vit C
Pyridoxine (aka Vit ___) is absorbed in both the Small and Large Intestines via _____.
Vit B6
Cobalamin (aka Vit ____) is absorbed in the distal ______ via _____-______ endocytosis. Cobalamin deficiency results in ______ anemia.
Vit B12
Distal Ileum
Receptor-mediated Endocytosis.
Pernicious anemia
__-proteins (aka _____) are secreted by salivary and gastric glads and bind to Cobalamin in the stomach to protect it from gastric digestion –> this complex travels into the duodenum where pancreatic proteases digest the __-proteins –> there, ______ ______ ,secreted from Parietal cells in the stomach, bind Cobalamin to protect it in the duodenum –> this complex travels to the distal Ileum where it binds ____ ____ receptors and is internalized –> Cobalamin is transported into the hepatic portal vein where it combines with Transcobalmin –> this complex is cleared from the blood and stored in the Liver, Kidneys, and Spleen.
R-proteins (aka Haptocorrin)
Intrinsic Factor
Intrinsic Factor receptors