Lecture 6 - Data structure and Panel Data Flashcards
How might we set up a study to look at traffic fatalities and alcohol taxes?
Given a positive regression coefficient should we conclude that a reduction in taxes on beer would reduce lethal car accidents? Why or why not?
What will happen if we add fixed effects to the below graph? What will the new trend line be?
What is the alternative to taking Fixed Effects?
Using difference-in-difference?
Transform the below equation using difference-in-difference
What is panel data?
What are the two types of panel/longitudinal samples?
What are the two ways in which unbalanced panels happen?
Write out the basic model equation we use for panel data
What are the 3 basic assumptions we make about panel data sets?
Explain strict versus weak exogeneity? How is u^-(it) related to x?
Explain strict versus weak exogeneity? How is f^-(i) related to x?
Should we assume Random Effects (RE) or Fixed Effects (FE)?
Explain how the random effects model works?
What are the two different tupes of fixed effects model and what source of endogeneity to they deal with?
Explain with Within Groups (WG) estimator
Explain what the Least-Square Dummy-Variable (LSDV) estimator is
Explain the First Difference Estimator
Explain what a panel regression with time fixed effects is
What is a high level explanation of clustering standard errors?