Lecture 3 Flashcards
What are the three properties we look for in estimators
What does unbiasedness mean?
What is the definition of efficiency?
What is the Mean Squared Error?
What is the definition of consistency?
What are the three main approaches to parameter estimation?
What is the law of large numbers?
What is the central limit theorem (CLT)?
What is the definition of a confidence interval?
What is the definition of the 95% CI?
What is defintion of the Null and Alternative hypothesis?
What is the Type 1 and Type 2 errors?
Draw Type 1 and 2 errors graphically
What are the 3 ways to do hypothesis testing?
What are the 5 steps of hypothesis testing with Critical values?
What are the 4 steps for hypothesis testing with a T statistic?
How do you do hypothesis testing with confidence intervals?
How do you do hypothesis testing with p-values?