lecture 6 control of respiration Flashcards
How do chemo receptors control respiration?
via a feedback loop
What triggers chemo receptors and what do they do when they are triggered?
they are triggered by arterial CO2, H20 and pH, the chemoreceptors pick up changes in the acidity of blood. the respiratory centres react to the signals and changes picked up by the chemoreceptors, the respiratory centres then trigger respiratory muscles which results in the effect of ventilation
Chemoreceptors->respiratory centres->respiratory muscles->ventilation
What is lung perfusion?
blood supply to the lungs from pulmonary and systemic circulation
How are the lungs supplied with blood?
via pulminary and systemic circulation
What does the efficiency of gas exchange depend on?
large surface area of the capillaries
What are traits of the alveoli that affect gas exchange?
low resistance (thin alveolar walls) and the effects of gravity
Where does more perfusion take place and what is that affected by?
base of lungs bc of gravity
What is the space around the alveoli is made up of? Why is this important?
80-90% of the space around alveoli is ade up of blood vessels there are a network of capillaries that surround alveoli
What path does the blood take from the right side of the heart to the rest of the body?
deoxyginated blood that has lost oxygen to cellular respiration travels up through systemic circulation and then pulmonary circulation where it then travels through the lungs and exchanges co2 with o2 at alveoli
What is ACE?
endothelial cells of alveolar capillaries release
What is each lobule of the lung supplied by?
an arteriole and venule supply the lung lobules
What does the amount of oxygen bound to the Hb depend on?
plasma O2 and the amount of haemoglobin
-plasma o2 determines % saturation of Hb
amount of haemoglobin determines the total number of haemoglobin binding sites
Hb binding sites is calculated from the Hb content per RBC x number of RBCs
amount of oxygen bound to Hb is calculated by % saturation of Hb x total number of Hb binding sites
What is the structure of the red blood cell and haem?
red blood cell is made up of haemoglobin and haemoglobin is made up of 4 haem units
How does oxygen uptake occur from the alveoli to the red blood cells?
gases are carried through blood and control of gas exchange happens via the lungs and cardiovascular system.
haemoglobin binds to 98% of haemoglobin to form oxyhaemoglobin HbO2
uses co-operative binding- one molecule binding makes it easier for others to bind bc structutre is changed
What is the drop in partial pressure that occurs when the RBC enters a tissue?
caused by oxygen being released from red blood cells and them entering the tissues due to the demands of cells’ metablic demands
What does the amount of oxygen binding to haemoglobin depend on?
Po2, iron core, 4 haem groups which can each bind to one 02 molecule
What affects our breathing rate?
amount of CO2 we have in our body- their partial pressures
What is haematology concerned with?
study of blood and blood disorders
How is CO2 distributed?
it is dissolved at the lungs and during cell metablism which allows it to be transported via red blood cells through veins
7% is dissolved in plasma
23% is transported as Hb-CO2
70% as HCO3-