Lecture 11- Lecture 10- Cardiac Phys III Flashcards
What factors have a high relative risk of CHD
Hypertensive systolic BP > 150 (vs120)
High choleterol (>268 mg/dl)
Smoking >20/day
sedentary lifestyle
How does exercise reduce the risk of CHD?
- promotes general
metabolic wellness - improves mental health
- builds and preserves
musculoskeletal function - increases lifespan
What counts as physical activity?
- UK gov measure physical activity by
age, gender and ethnicity - Moderate activity – activity
that leads to increase in
breathing rate. - Vigorous activity – activity
leading to being “out of breath
or sweating”.
What counts as physical activity?
1 min vigorous activity = 2 min moderate
What different things does exercise improve regarding cardiac health?
-CV risk factors and incidences decrease
-vasclar responses imporve
-physiological cardiac hypertrophy
-metabolic adaptations such as increase in fatty acid oxidation, increase in ATP production
-improved systemic responses
-myocardial oxidative stress: ROS production falls and antioxidant capacity increases
Why is exercise a stressor?
Acute exercise activates the
sympathetic nervous system and is
therefore a stressor (healthy stress!!)
What happens when acute exercise triggers the SNS?
- Acute exercise –> SNS (adrenaline)
- Metabolic and CV homeostasis is initiated
- Heat/fluid regulation is triggered
What is chronic training? What are the effects of this?
Chronic exercise causes adaptation in
key peripheral organs involved in the
regulation of energy homeostasis and
associated whole-body metabolic effects
and systemic health effects.
-Exercise training:
* improves ˙O2max, 𝑉
* decreases resting heart rate
* decreases blood pressure,
* increases total muscle mass.
What is the difference in cardiac hypertrophy when caused by physiologic and pathologic reasons?
pathologic are unhealthy and alot more pronounced distinctions
What is sarcopenia?
Sarcopenia is a progressive and generalized skeletal muscle disorder characterized by the loss of muscle mass, strength, and function associated with aging
How does eccentric and concentric exercise affect the heart muscle? What is calculated as eccentric and concentric exercise
Eccentric vs concentric
Eccentric increase in cardiac
mass where RWT is maintained
resulting in coordinated increase in
chamber size and wall thickness.
Concentric increase in cardiac
mass accompanied by a
disproportionate increase in wall
thickness relative to chamber size.
Concentric cardiac growth is
correlated with worse clinical
outcomes when coupled to cardiac
How does exercise affect the heart rate regulation?
- Cardiac muscles possesses intrinsic rhythmicity.
(Without external stimuli: HR = 70-100 bpm) - Nerves that supply the myocardium and chemicals within the blood can rapidly alter HR –
Extrinsic factors. - Extrinsic control can result in accelerated HR (even due to ‘anticipation’ of exercise) and the
exercise itself: up to 220 bpm
What happens to blood flow when you exercise?
During exercise: Increased energy expenditure requires rapid readjustments in
blood flow (sympathetic response).
Why do the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems work together during exercise?
- Integration of the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems allow for increased demand
for O2 and blood flow during exercise - pulmonary system ensures the uptake of more oxygen
- the cardiovascular system ensures its transportation
What are the cardiovascular changes that occur after training?
- Cardiovascular changes after training
- Blood flow redistribution
- Cardiac output – Stroke Volume (EDV & ESV) & HR
- VO2
/HR - Blood Pressure – altered BPS, BPD, MAP
- ejection fraction
What is the difference between heart rate and stroke volume during exercise?
SV hits a platau faster and at a lower speed