Lecture 6: Classical Encryption Part 2 (polyalphabetic substitution ciphers, Vigenere cipher, other polyalphabetic ciphers, Hill cipher) Flashcards
Define polyalphabetic substitution
- Using multiple mappings from plaintext to ciphertext
- Given d ciphertext alphabets C0, C1, … Cd-1, let fi: A→ Ci be a mapping from plaintext alphabet A to ith ciphertext alphabet Ci for 0 <= i <= d - 1
What is the point of using multiple alphabets in polyalphabetic substitution
smooths frequency distribution → direct frequency analysis not effective
What are typical polyalphabetic ciphers?
periodic substitution ciphers based on period d
What is the encryption process for polyalphabetic ciphers?
Plaintext message M = M0 … Md-1Md … M2d-1Md …
encrypted to
E(K,M) = f0(M0)…fd-1(Md-1)f0(Md)…fd-1(M2d-1)f0(M2d)…,
where d ≡ 0 mod d
In terms of polyalphabetic ciphers’ encryption process, what is the special case?
When d = 1 Monoalphabetic cipher (simple substitution cipher)
Briefly outline the key generation process for a random polyalphabetic substitution cipher
1) select block length d
2) generate d random simple substitution tables
Briefly outline the encryption process for a random polyalphabetic substitution cipher
encrypt ith char using substitution table number j s.t. i ≡ j (mod d)
Briefly outline the decryption process for a random polyalphabetic substitution cipher
using same substitution table as in encryption to reverse simple substitution
Explain the example of the polyalphabetic substitution encryption in slide 8 of set 6.
let X be number of value
then X mod 3 ≡ Y
Cy is the value it corresponds to
What is the Vigenere Ciphers based on?
shifted alphabets
What is the key K in the Vigenere Cipher?
seq of chars
How do you compute the amount of shift in the ith alphabet in the Vigenere Cipher?
For 0 <= i <= d-1, K gives amount of shift in ith alphabet, i.e. fi(M) = (M+Ki) mod n
Explain the example of the Vigenere Cipher on slide 10, set 6
Use a word as the period and repeat for each section of the message M.
Use the word’s char’s corresponding number as the shift amount for each ith char
How you can identify the period length during cryptanalysis of the Vigenere Cipher?
1) Kasiski method
2) CrypTool uses autocorrection to estimate period
How you can attack separately d substitution tables during cryptanalysis of the Vigenere Cipher?
Each substitution is a shift (Caesar cipher) → if there is sufficient ciphertext then straightforward
What do you determine from cryptanalysis for Vigenere Cipher?
1) Identify period length
2) Attack separately d substitution tables