Lecture 14: Digital Signatures Flashcards
What do MACs allow? What data security does this provide?
only allow an entity with shared secrete to generate a valid tag
–> providing data integrity and data authentication
What do digital signatures use to provide properties of MAC and more?
public key cryptography
What is the general idea of how digital signatures ensure data integrity and authenthication?
only the owner of the private signing key can generate a valid digital signature
What security service do digital signatures provide?
1) non-repudiation
2) a judge can decide which party has formed the signature
What is non-repudiation?
Assurance that the sender of information is provided with proof of delivery and the recipient is provided with proof of the sender’s identity, so neither can later deny having processed the information
Compare physical and digital signatures
<strong>Physical Signatures</strong>
1) produced by a human
2) same on all docs
3) easy to recognise
<strong>Digital Signatures</strong>
1) produced by a machine
2) function of the message
3) requiring a computer to check
Both signature types need to be difficult to forge
What are the relevant algorithms involved in digital signatures
1) key generation
2) signature generation
3) signature verification
What does the key generation alg ouput?
2 keys:
1) a private signing key Ks
2) a public verification key Kv
Outline the signature generation alg for digital signatures
See slide 8 in set 14
What are the inputs to the signature generation alg?
1) Alice’s private signing key Ks
2) Message M
What is the output of the signature generation algorithm?
Signature s = Sig(M, Ks)
Who should be able to generate a valid signature?
Only Alice, the owner of Ks
What must be message M be for the signature generation algorithm?
any bit string
Comment on the size of the set of all signatures from the signature generation alg
Set of fixed size
Which of the three security properties is needed for signature generation alg?
only need integrity, not confidentiality –> prove to Bob signature
Outline the signature verification alg for digital signatures
See slide 9 in set 14
What are the inputs for the signature verification alg?
1) Alice’s public verification key Kv
2) Message M
3) Claimed signature s
What is the output for the signature verification alg?
Boolean value Ver(M, s, Kv) = true/false
Who should be able to verify a signature?
What are the properties of digital signatures?
1) correctness
2) unforgeability
Comment on the correctness property of digital signatures
If s = Sig(M, Ks) then Ver(M, s, Kv) = true for any matching Ks and Kv
Comment on the unforgeability property of digital signatures
It is computationally infeasible for anyone without Ks to construct the pair (M,s) s.t. Ver(M, s, Kv) = true
Can the signing algorithm Sig be randomised for digital signatures?
–> since there are many possible signatures for a single message
Give the stronger security definition for digital signatues
1) an attacker has access to a chosen message oracle
2) Forging a new signature should be difficult even if the attacker can obtain signatures on messages of her choice
What are the possible security attacks on digital signatures?
1) key recovery
2) selective forgery
3) existential forgery
Explain the key recovery i.t.o for digital signatures
the attacker attempts to recover the private signing key Ks from the public verification key Kv and some known signatures
Explain the selective forgery i.t.o digital signatues
the attacker chooses a message and attempts to obtain a signature on that message
Explain the existential forgery i.t.o digital signatures
The attacker attempts to forge a signature on any message not previously signed
It could be a meaningless message