Lecture 6 Flashcards
The PSF can be composed of the
instrument and the atmospheric PSF
Overall PSF can be measured by observing
a bright point source near the target object
For most UV-IR instruments, the image PSF caused by the instrument is
broader than the diffraction pattern
Even if you can make the different contributions to the PSF as small as possible you can not get better than
the instrument’s diffraction pattern i.e. diffraction-limited.
Instrument PSF can arise from
aperture diffraction; scattering from roughness/dirt on mirrors or other surfaces
Aperture photometry
-define apertures of different sizes
-sum counts in each aperture
-counts tend to true counts as aperture size increases
-but background noise also increases with larger apertures
Instrumental line profile
in spectroscopy, lines recorded have a profile of intensity versus wavelength that is a combination of the true line profile and the instrumental line profile
also called the spectral PSF
Ideally the ILP will be
symmetric, and narrower than the true line profile
A single line observed intensity is
O(λ2) = I(λ1) ILP(λ2-λ1)
The line of sight velocity distribution (LOSVD) is:
F(v LOS) d v(LOS) = fraction of stars contributing to spectrum
spectral velocity u (formula/derivation)
u = c ln λ
Δu/Δλ = c 1/λ
Δu = c Δλ/λ = v(LOS)
Galaxy spectral velocity
G(u) ∝ (-∞ ∫ ∞) F(v(LOS)) S(u-v(LOS)) dv(LOS)
G(u) is the observed galaxy spectrum
F(v(LOS)) v(LOS) distribution function
S(u-v(LOS)) stellar spectrum
the observed galaxy spectrum is
smeared out version stellar spectrum by LOSVD
Cross - correlation
find lag/shift between two signals => log/shift with max CCF
v(LOS) of whole galaxy
CCF(v(LOS)) = (-∞ ∫ ∞) G(u) S(u-v(LOS))du
if v(LOS) does not align the two signals,
CCF is small
if v(LOS) does align the two signals
CCF is large
we can estimate v(LOS) by
calculating the CCF for many trial values of v(LOS) and S(u-v(LOS)) and finding its maximum value
finding a period shift in our data
the auto-correlation of a time series
measures how well a signal matches a time-shifted version of itself
So the auto-correlation function of time series f is (formula)
ACF(τ) = (-∞ ∫ ∞) f(t) f(t-τ)dt
when the lag is a multiple of the period τ = nT
get a max ACF
when the lag is half a period out τ = (2n+1) T/2
get a min ACF
in |ACF|^2 you will get a peak when
τ = (n+1) T/2