Lecture 6 Flashcards
Why do we learn about Covenant Theology?
We recognize that humans by creation are covenant beings.
• anytime we are talking about defining humanity, we are talking about the definition of humanity in relation to God in covenant terms.
When we say covenant theology can be used as an “organizational framework” what do we mean?
Covenant theology is a framework (an organizing principle) for how we understand humans and how they relate to God, others, and the world.
It helps us make sense of the Bible as a whole.
*It is a lens through which God’s word is interpreted.
What does the term “Berit” mean?
Berit is Hebrew term meaning “to cut a covenant.”
• it is a bond, an oath between two parties.
How does O Palmer Robertson define “Berit”?
“A bond in blood sovereignly administered.”
Because Berit is a life and death commitment.
What does the term “diatheke” mean?
Diatheke is Greek, meaning “last will and testament, where upon death the benefits are made available to the heirs.
What does the term “foedus” mean?
Foedus is a Latin term, meaning “ federal or covenant. It is the idea of relationship through representation.
What does the term “testamentum” mean?
Testamentum is a Latin term for “testament” which conveys the idea of testifying or witnessing the ratification of a covenant.
The OT and NT provide a witness to God’s relationship in the old covenant under Israel, and God’s relationship with the church under Christ.
What does the term “pactum” mean?
Pactum is Latin term meaning a pact or agreement.
• it is a transaction between two parties that secures the terms of the relationship.
What are the 6 Biblical covenants?
1.) Adam
2.) Noah
3.) Abraham
4.) Moses
5.) David
6.) Christ
What are the five basic goals of covenant theology?
1.) seeks to maintain the fundamental unity of scripture.
2.) CT elevates the saving work of Christ because it focuses on Christ in scripture.
3.) there is a natural focus on the assurance of God’s people.
- this is because there’s a central focus on redemption flowing from Christ’s work in fulfillment of the covenant promises.
4.) emphasizes the oneness of the people of God as a covenant community.
5.) places a unique emphasis on the significance of humanity as created for communion with God.
How does Covenant theology maintain the unity of scripture?
CT focuses on the way in which Christ fulfills the promises of God given to his people.
In what way does Covenant Theology have a “natural focus” on the assurance of God’s people?
CT gives a unique emphasis on signs and seals which describe the way God relates to his people.
How does Covenant Theology emphasize the “oneness” of God’s people as a covenant community?
There is one redemptive people.
Israel and the church are different but related expressions of the one people of God.
What is the fourfold state of covenant?
1.) covenant made
2.) covenant broken
3.) covenant fulfilled
4.) covenant realized in glory
***note: this is part of the fifth goal of covenant theology which emphasizes the significance of humanity as created for communion with God.
What are the two basic covenants in which Covenant Theology is divided?
Covenant of works
Covenant of grace
What does it mean that a covenant is unilateral?
Unilateral - God sets the terms of the relationship.
• He is sovereign so he establishes the terms we relate to him.
What does it mean when we say a covenant is bilateral?
Bilateral- once the terms of the relationship are established, it then entails responsibilities from both parties.
How did God establish the covenant of works in a unilateral and bilateral way?
Unilateral - God establishes a covenant of works.
Bilateral - He demanded obedience as a requirement for life.
Since Adam disobeyed, does this mean the covenant of works is no longer in effect?
God doesn’t change. He always requires obedience.
Due to our sin, obedience must be fulfilled by another.
• the covenant of works finds its fulfillment in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
How does the WCF (7.2) define the covenant of works?
The first covenant made with man was a covenant of works, wherein life was promised to Adam, and in him to his posterity, upon condition of perfect and personal obedience.
What are two challenges discussed in class to the covenant of works?
1.) the grace challenge
2.) the proof text challenge
What is the “Grace Challenge” to the covenant of works?
This argues that a relationship with God could never be based on works/merit because after all everything is based on grace.
• the covenant of works is gracious but it is not based on grace.
• the covenant of works is an act of voluntary condescension on behalf of God.
- If you reject the category of works/merit entirely then you undermine the work of Jesus Christ on the cross.
What is the Proof Text Challenge to the Covenant of Works?
Many object to the fact that covenant (Berit) is not used in Genesis 1-3.
• we do however affirm many things that are not explicitly mentioned in the text of scripture. I.e. the Trinity
• The substance of the teaching is present.
- the covenant of works is a description of what we discover in scripture and not a phrase from scripture.
• Genesis 1 & 2 will show that a covenant was in fact established between God and Adam before the fall.
- and it was a covenant of works.
What are 4 arguments for the covenant of works from Genesis 1 & 2?
- in Genesis 1, God creates, he blesses, he commands.
1.) sovereignly administered
2.) divine mandate
3.) blessing and cursing
4.) federal in nature
Describe the argument for the covenant of works from the perspective of - “sovereignly administered.”
The relationship God has with Adam and Eve is sovereignly administered.
• God created man and woman out of his good pleasure.
• God stipulates the conditions whereby they should live.
-cultural mandate
- sabbath principle
- guard and keep the garden, etc.
God initiated the relationship. He is in control.
Describe the argument for the covenant of works from the perspective of the “divine mandate.”
A condition is fixed upon Adam’s relationship with God.
• Adam has the responsibility to be obedient in order to maintain his status with God and enjoy the blessings from God.
- a divine mandate is spoken to Adam and Eve.
Describe the argument for the covenant of works from the perspective of “Blessing and cursing.”
If Adam disobeys God, Genesis 2:17 says he will die.
If he obeys he will live and enjoy communion with God.
Describe the argument for the covenant of works from the perspective of it being “Federal in nature.”
Adam represented all of humanity in the garden.
• when he fell, so all humanity fell with him.
When Adam disobeyed, all of his posterity (future generations) sinned in him.
• this made it impossible for anyone descended from him by ordinary generation to keep the term of the covenant of works.
Why is the federal headship of Adam important?
The federal headship of Adam is essential to establish the federal headship of Christ.
What is the definition of the covenant of works?
The covenant of works is a pre-fall relationship between God and Adam that was:
1) sovereignly administered
2) conditioned upon Adams perfect obedience.
3) attended with divine blessing and cursing
4) is federal in nature.