Lecture 5 - Terrrestrial Facies Models Flashcards
Definition of facies
“the sum total features such as sedimentary rock type, mineral content, sedimentary stuctures, bedding characteristics, fossil content etc. Which characterise a sediment being deposited in a certain enviroment.
Facies models explanation
Observe moden proccess to refer to the acient records
What are the process
1) wave and current actvity
2) Debris flow
3) sea level cjhange
4) biochemical precipiation
5) bioturbidation
What are the products of these in the same order
1) Ripples
2) graded bedding
3) grain size
4) mineralogy
5) trace fossils
whats key in this
No two depositional settings are identical, therefore we can predict the old setting but looking at the modern day processes.
Why use facies models
These can be used to predict the setting of these rocks, and thereofre can be used for obvious advantages in economic and engineering geology.
Alluvival fans as an example of a facies model
allival fans form when a narrow canyon stream enters a flat valley. Cone shaped despoists of coarse stream sediments, sheet flood deposits and debris flow. it requires constant uplift
example of an allivial fan
Death Valley
What is the tectonic setting of an aliuvial fan
Areas undergoing rapid uplift
Wedge shaped, limited in lateral extend
Clay to boulders, particle size decreases towards to edge of the fan. Debris flow is unsorted and reverse grading.
Fossils present?
What is the acient example of an alluvial fans
Hornelen basin, Norway
Example 2: Braided rivers
Network of small braching channels often seperated by islands. occour where there is not enough engery to carry sediment load. Found near the source of a system.
Braided rivers techtonic setting
upper reaches of allival fans, near uplift