Lecture 12 - Diagenesis Flashcards
More notes needed on the last few slides
What is diagenesis
The chemial and phsyical processses which act upon sediment grains in the subsirface” they give way to metamorphism but there is no clear line
Diagenitc processe: compaction
massof overlying sediment, water squeezed out and sediment compacted together
Process recrystalisation
Unstable minerals change to their crystal forms
Unstable minerals may dissolve
Usntale minerals may be replaces
Precipitation of new minerals within pores
Sediment cemeted by authgetic precipitaion
bacterial action
degradation of organic matter
where can we look at diagensis
Diagenesis in mudrocks, main process?
The main diagentic process is Compaction
effect on thickness of mudrock
it can be compacted up to ten times
effects of explusion of water on mudrocks
At despotion mudrocks are 70% water, at depths of 1km they are 30%, much iof the water here is locked up. at 100km heat is also needed for the desaturation of these mudrocks
What are the changes in the clay minerolfy
The main change is
smectities + potassium -> illites + water
When does this smectities change happens
2-3km deep and 70-90degrees C
Sandstone diagensis what can efect it
depositional enviroment sediment comp sediment texture pore water chem burial and uplift histrory