Lecture 5 - Survival Analysis Flashcards
Survival Analysis
Key outcome in many trials
Essential for economic modelling
Shows where time is being gained or lost over the course of different time intervals
Survival Data
Time to event (days/months)
With respect to an origin point
Values the variable takes on are non-negative and potentially not observed (censored)
Origin point
The point at which you first randomise (first point at risk of outcome)
Unobserved data
At end of trial, it can be unknown if participant dies or drops out of trial
Right censoring
Someone is lost to follow-up, or trial shuts down early, so we know they haven’t experienced event, but unknown when
Non-parametric survival analysis
Kaplan-Meier curves and associated log-rank test
Looking at survival, probability subject is still alive at time t
Log-rank test asks if survival times are statistically significantly different overall between groups
No assumptions about distribution of survival times made
Number at risk
Captures the number of people still at risk of the outcome either because of death or because of censoring
Survival time
Generally use median time of survival alongside 95% confidence intervals to illustrate
Censoring may prevent the median survival time from being observed
Rarely compare median survival times directly, so use log-rank test
Median time of survival
Time point at which half of people on each treatment have died or are alive
Semi-parametric survival analysis
Cox proportional hazards regression
Effect estimate is hazard ratio
Make assumption that hazards are proportional to each other
Very limited but very important assumptions about distribution of survival times relative to different groups
Hazard function: definition
The instantaneous incidence rate of the event conditional on not having experienced the event
Sits above survival function and tells us how quickly an event is happening in a group
Cox proportional hazards regression
Make assumption that hazard functions are proportional
If functions are not proportional, hazard ratio will not be an appropriate estimate of the effect of the intervention (time-varying hazard ratios)
When do we know if proportional hazards assumption is not met
Survival curves have very different shapes
Survival curves cross or converge early
Parametric survival analysis
Place a specific named distribution on the survival times
Generates a hazard ratio but makes more assumptions
Specific distribution is appropriate to describe all the survival curves in your analysis
Accelerated failure time ratio
Ratio of the times of outcomes
Specific family of ‘shapes’ of a curve
Shapes described by one or two parameters (also known as scale parameters)
Scale parameters
Numbers we plug into the survival distribution to make it as close to the survival analysis as possible
Why do we do parametric survival analysis?
Have a “framework” of describing what the hazards look like
Easier to test, we are comparing two distribution rather than all the points on a curve
Easier to project into the future; this is also called extrapolation
Common distributions
Log logistic