Lecture 5 - material transport Flashcards
define exogenetic
a process originating at or near the surface of the earth e.g. denudation; a destructive process
define endogenetic
a constructive process; formed / occurring beneath the surface of the earth
what 2 things does denudation require?
1 - weathering of rock
2 - removal weathered material
key systems:
- the glacial system
- the fine-grained debris system
- the course-grained debris system
- the geochemical system
what is transport capacity?
the idea that water should transport as much sediment as the flow capacity allows
what is a supply limited river?
the river is carrying all it can detach / access; the amount of lowering is limited by the stream’s ability to detach material from the bed
what is a transport limited river?
all capacity is being used to transport; the amount of lowering is limited by the capacity of the stream to transport sediment
overview of fluvial channels
- drag increases velocity
- velocity increases with slope and discharge
complicated by: - 2 modes of transport: suspended + bed load
- range of sediment size
- transport below capacity unless armour
overview of hill slopes
- rates are very dependent on material properties esp. particle size, conditions, and vegetation
- erosion by overland flow
overview of debris flow
- occur in colluvial channels
- extreme capacities
- similar to fluvial but extreme sediment concentration means collisional between particles v important
- hyper-concentrated flows have less particle contact
overview of gravity slides
- energy dependent on elevation and slope
- failure triggered by steepening of slope or some change in material strength or cohesion
overview of glacial
- most complex
- array of transport paths and mechanisms
- transport capacities of superglacial and subglacial huge
functional geomorphology
- describes a ‘process framework’ or ‘general model’ of landscape evolution processes
- coupling of processes is hugely important, especially uplift and erosion processes in mountainous regions
- requires a complete understanding of processes and their rates and their spatial and temporal patterns
functional realms: high energy and cold =
- course grained
2. glacial
functional realms: low energy and warm =
- fine grained
2. geochemical
general conditions of elevation:
- elevated areas tend to have steep slopes
- elevated materials have greater potential energy and hence gain more kinetic energy when falling
- high topography attracts precipitation
- freeze-thaw processes are most effective
general considerations of material strength:
- ability to resist moving downhill depends on shear strength
- bedrock: rock mass strength is important
- sediment: cohesive strength is important
general considerations of high energy, cold:
- steep gradients
- freeze thaw
- high precipitation
- strongly seasonal snow and ice melt
- fast incision by supply limited processes
general considerations of low energy, warm:
- no freeze thaw
- low gradient
- extreme events rare
- capacity limitations means deposition dominates - system more open
- geochemical weathering important
fluxes of material depends on?
- weathering rates
- material properties
- energy available