lecture 4 - physical weathering Flashcards
W.M Davis’s geographical cycle
aka cycle of erosion
- initial uplift
- incision
- sloped reduce
- end of cycle results in peneplain
what is a peneplain?
level land surface produced by erosion over a long period of time, undisturbed by crustal movement
define incision
river cuts through riverbed - may incise through sediment or bedrock
Walther Penck’s variable rock uplift model
uplift increase and decreases
denudation and erosion can be contemporaneous
landscape form is dictated by competition
J.T Hack’s dynamic equilibrium model
model shows adjustment of landscape to competition between tectonic and surface processes
define physical weathering
processes that mechanically fracture rock into smaller sizes (comminution)
define comminution
reduction of rock into smaller particles by crushing, fracturing, grinding
increases surface area
define erosion
the removal of weathered material by sediment transport processes
define denudation
the loss of mass from a landscape by weathering and erosion
define exhumation
exposure of formerly buried rocks at the earth’s surface by the removal of rock above
define sediment
weathered material that is a) in transport b) has undergone transport and deposition
define regolith
loosened rock, has 20 - 50 times water capacity of fractured rock, presence means erosion is transport limited
physical weathering processes:
- thermal stress / insolation weathering
- frost and salt shattering
- physical stress
- corrasion and abrasion
thermal stress
- thermal shocks = uneven expansion
- thermal fatigue = repeated thermal cycles weaken the rock
- cause exfoliation of rock surface, shallow concentric layers fall off
frost shattering
water in fractures expands on freezing
salt weathering
salts crystallise in voids when water is drawn to the rock surface
physical stress
rocks deep in the crust are under enormous pressure
exhumation reflects this pressure leading to exfoliation along fractures aligned parallel to the eroding surface
corrasion and abrasian
material in transport can cause corrasion of rock surfacesn
abrasion = the effect on bedrock by the removal of rock layers by corrasion
e.g. rivers and glaciers corrade - their bedrock is abraded
physical weathering is best where…?
there are strong temperature cycles
chemical weathering is strongest where…?
climate is wet and warm