Lecture 5: Learning in Invertebrates Flashcards
What are the two main types of memory?
Explicit and implicit
What are the two types of implicit memory?
Associative and non-assortative
What does non-associative memory include?
Habituation and sensitisation
What neurological changes does short term memory include?
Covalent modification of pre-existing proteins at the synapse by kinases
What neurological changes does intermediate term memory include?
New protein synthesis but not mRNA synthesis
What neurological changes does long term memory include?
Required CREB-mediated gene expression
New mRNA and protein synthesis
What are dopaminergic neurons involved in?
Info on aversive stimuli
What are dopaminergic neurons involved in?
Info on appetitive stimuli to the MB neurons
What are the GABAergic neurons involved in?
Ability to learn via inhibitory inputs
What animal model was used to look into sensitisation?