Lecture 5: Internal and external conflict Flashcards
Identity Identification Separation as rejection Separation as creation Ideology Internal conflict External conflict Symptomatic compromise Ethics Selbstverschüldigteunmundigkeit
What is identity?
Identity consists of a collection of characteristics that have been assigned to us by others, they form a package of ideas about where we come from and where we are going. Informs us how to behave to our bodies and others
What is identification?
Process of:
- attaching symbol, image, word, gesture from our own body/external world to identity. So it becomes mine. Messages are assimilated which become identical with our identity.
How can there be separations?
Through rejection by saying no to a message from others
Through creation by changing the meaning of messages from others
What are some basic conflicts and tensions?
We vs them
Self-preservation vs preservation of the species
Bodily instincts and urges vs cultural norms
Capitalism vs natural conditions of(human)life
What is the psychoanalytic conflict model?
The self(or the mind)is divided in many conflicting parts.
Experiencing conflict is painful
Hence we use defensive strategies against experiencing the conflict.
Much of our conflictual nature remains or is made unconscious
What is symptomatic compromise?
The idea that a symptom is the result of many conflicts
Where else can conflicts emerge?
Between cultures/ideologies/grand narratives and within cultures/ideologies/ grand narratives
What are the types of conflict?
Between different drives
Between pleasure and reality
Between love and hate(for the same ‘object’)
Between conscious goals and unconscious fantasies
Between different conflicting identifications
Between impulses of ‘Es’, defenses of ‘Ego’ and uncompromising demands of ‘superego’
Between the role we enact (the ‘me’) andthe body we feel (the experiëntialI)
How to inborn capacities lead to more complex capacities?
Results in personal development, individual differences. Primary capacities in a nurturing context results in more complex capacities.
How does personality development take place?
Phases are not fully lost, how phases and transitions are managed in a social context influences personality differences. Developments in a new phase of development are influenced by previous phases. Anticipation also influences this as the images and stories we have of the future can influence the present and development. This gives rise to individual differences in personality dynamics
A new organism in nature involves?
- embodied sense-making
- basic emotional system
- vitality forms
- capacities for attachment
A new person in culture?
- symbolic order
- attachment
- attunement
- mentalization
- epistemic trust
- existential stance taking
- identification
- separation as rejection and creation
A new subject of an individual life?
- identity
- experiential
- actor
- agent
- author
- agency
- communion
Selbstverschuldeten Unmündigkeit
This is self-imposed immaturity which is the inability to use your own understanding without the guidance of another and can be self-incurred with lack of resolution and courage to use without the guidance of another
What influences personality?
- complex, dynamic, conflictual self
constructed me - humanities and ethical reflection
- conditional reality as it appears to humans
- natural sciences
- ultimate real from an all-knowing external perspective
- worldview of a culture
- stories about the world
- conventions, norms, values
- real me
Central conflicts in modernity
Freedom, autonomy, dignity, capitalist mode of production, moral framework of universal human rights, deterministic or probabilistic science
Current ethical perspective
The way we appear to ourselves as individuals, as culture, as humanity is incomplete.
We are not master in our own house(nor slave)
We discover this (post-hoc) in the experience of conflict.
Our tendency is to avoid conflict in order not to feel anxious.
Yet, we have to face and analyze conflicts.
This is no sacrifice to external authority but duty to ourselves.
It does not always make us happy, but otherwise we may lose love, desire and freedom.