Lecture 5- Guest Lecture Flashcards
What causes air pollution?
• Agriculture • Area sources (wood burning, snow blowing) o Commercial o Residential • Energy production • Industry • Transportation
Name some air pollution remedies
- Alternative energy and conservation
- Planning (like transportation planning)
- Process changes
- Recycle
- Top of stack/end of the tail pipe
Outcomes of air pollution to the environment?
- Ozone/smog
- Acid rain
- Upper atmosphere ozone depletion
- Aesthetic/visibility-regional haze
- Climate/greenhouse effect
- Accidental toxic releases
- Polluted air
Name some outcomes of air pollution to health
- Respiratory symptoms and lung disease
- Cardiovascular effects including hypertension
- Central nervous system effects
- Organ damage
- Death
Name some clean air programs
- Health-based
- Engineering/technical controls and economic considerations
- Stationary and mobile sources
- Monitoring and modeling activities
- Federal and state permit programs
- Economic incentives and emission trading
- Special topics- acid rain, global warming, catastrophic releases
The air quality programs in the US are primarily _____-based
Health- based
History of regulatory programs
- 1940s Truman initiatives
- Serious air pollution events (in Penn)
- 1970 Clean Air Act and 1977 Amendments
- Compliance numbers on what people will breathe
1970 Clean Air Act and 1977 Amendments included
- National Ambient Air Quality Standards
- Criteria documents
- State Implementation Plans/ Nonattainment
- New Source Review (NSR)- Performance Standards
- Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD)
- Emission limitation
- Air toxics program
- Visibility
What are the National Ambient Air Quality Standards based on?
Health (health studies)
Name some 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments
- “Agency forcing” legislation
- New attainment deadlines and operating permits
- Comprehensive air toxics program
- Emergency releases program
- Acid/SO2 allowances/NOx reduction
- Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) phase out
- Mobile source control- Inspection and Maintenance
- Enforcement clout
Name the post 1990 Amendments
- Emission trading
- Fine and ultrafine particulates
- Mercury cap
- Climate change and environmental sustainability
Explain emission trading
- An allowance program: actually inventoried all the sources of SO2, so it had a very good handle on what in the US was being emitted
- Has taken on a more prominent role in air pollution control
Explain mercury cap
- Very controversial until it got passed but very critical
- There were lots of other advantages in terms of other pollution being lowered because you had to lower other things to lower mercury
What does the health based system consist of?
- National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
* Title 3 “Hazardous air pollutants”
What pollutants do the NAAQS deal with?
• Individual pollutants (Carbon monoxide (CO), lead (Pb), nitrogen dioxide (NOx),ozone (O3), particulate matter (PM) and PM2.5, and sulfur dioxide (SO2)).
What is Title 3 (Hazardous air pollutants)?
- A list of toxic air pollutants regulated by industry categories
- Max achievable control tech (MACT) req’d with additional consideration of “residual risk” and “susceptible populations”
- National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS)
- Accidental release and hazardous air pollutants
What is MACT?
- Max Achievable Control Technology
* If there exists technology that reduces that hazard (for said pollutant) you have to use that technology
Name some hell Ozone can cause
- Wheezing, coughing, pain when taking a deep breathe, and difficulties during exercise or outdoor activities
- Coughing and sore or scratchy throat
- Inflammation and damage to the airways
- Aggravate lung diseases such as asthma, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis.
- Increase the frequency of asthma attacks
- Make the lungs more susceptible to infection
- Continue to damage the lungs even when the symptoms have disappeared