Lecture 5 - Foundations of quantitative research - probability, normal distribution and central limit theorem Flashcards
Reliability and Validity
• Quantitative research is about measurement
– Reliability
• Consistency and repeatability of a measure
• Types of reliability
– Intra-rater, inter-rater and test-retest
– Validity
• Accuracy
• Does an instrument measure what it intends to measure
• Types
– Face, content and criterion validity
Internal and External Validity
• Internal validity
– Relates to the conduct of the research
– Can you be confident that the research was well conducted so that the effect you notice is from the exposure or intervention (causal relationship)
• External validity
– Generalisability of the research findings from the sample to the reference population
What can affect internal validity?
• Chance (imprecision) – Random error
– Cannot be eliminated but minimised
– Usually through having sufficient sample size
• Bias
– Systematic error
– Errors in the way research was undertaken – Can be eliminated
• Confounders
– Variables that were not taken into account and
hence influence outcome
Minimising the role of chance
Minimising the role of chance
• Using proper sampling strategy
– Avoiding convenience sampling
– Random (from the telephone book) or systematic sampling (every 5th person coming through the door)
• Having adequate sample size
– We can work out the number we need in our research
• Errors in sampling
– Type 1 – finding a significant result/difference when it is not there
– Type 2 – finding no significant result/difference when it is there
What is probability?
• The number of times an outcome occurs in the total number of trials.
– If A is the outcome, the probability of A is denoted by P(A)
• Measure of the likelihood that an event in the future will happen
How to interpret probability
- If P(A) equals zero, event A will almost definitely not occur.
- If P(A) is close to zero, there is only a small chance that event A will occur.
- If P(A) equals 0.5, there is a 50-50 chance that event A will occur.
- If P(A) is close to one, there is a strong chance that event A will occur.
- If P(A) equals one, event A will almost definitely occur.
Basic definitions in probability
• Experiment – Planned process of data collection • Outcome – The result of an experiment or trial • Events – A single outcome or a set of outcomes from an experiment
Basic Definitions in probability: Types of events
• Complementary events (A)
– Probability that an event will not happen
– An event opposite to the event of interest
– Example: Coin tossing (A is the even head is the outcome)
• A is the event that tail is the outcome.
• Mutually exclusive events
– Two or more events are mutually exclusive if the occurrence of one precludes the occurrence of the others
– Two events cannot occur at the same time
• Independent events
– Two different events are independent if the outcome of one event has no effect on the outcome of the second.
Types of probability
• Marginal Probability
– Probability of the occurrence of a single event – p(A)
• Joint Probability
– The probability that two events will occur simultaneously – p(A and B)
• Conditional Probability
– The probability of one event given that another events has occurred.
– P(A I B)
Diagnostic Accuracy
• Diagnostic testing is an important part of health care
• There is not a single test that is always 100% accurate
– Except possibly one
• So, as part of diagnostic testing, we have to work out how confident we are in believing the results of a diagnostic test
Diagnostic Accuracy: Sensitivity
• Sensitivity (Sn)
– The proportion of people with disease who will have a
positive result
– If the test is highly sensitive and the test result is positive you can be nearly certain that they have disease
• Those who have a negative finding are likely not to have the disease
– TP = (TP/(TP+FN)*100
– Snout - A Sensitive test helps rule out disease
Diagnostic Accuracy: Specificity
• Specificity
– The probability that the diagnostic test is negative in patients who do not have the disease
– If the test result for a highly specific test is negative, then you can be nearly certain that they don’t have the disease
• Those who test positive are likely to have the disease – TN = TN/(TN+FP)*100
– Spin - A very Specific test rules in disease
Normal Distribution
• A symmetric, bell shaped probability distribution with mean μ and standard deviation δ.
• If observations follow a normal distribution, the interval (μ±2δ) contains 95% of the observation.
Characteristics of normal distribution
- Symmetrical or two halves identical
- Total area under the curve is 1
- Mean, median and mode are equal
- Theoretically, the curve extends to ±∞
Standard Normal Probability Distribution (z Distribution)
• Normal probability curve that has a mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1.
Z = how far is the data from the population mean (by standard deviations)
Central Limit Theorem
• It is the cornerstone of statistics and research
• Useful for any type of data analysis
• Address a simple question
– How the we know use the data from the sample and make inference for the reference population?
• A theorem that states that the distribution of the means is approximately normal if the sample size is large enough, regardless of the underlying distribution of the original measurements.
• Predicts that regardless of the distribution of the parent population:
– The mean of the population of means is always equal to the mean of the parent population from which the samples were drawn.
– The standard deviation of the population of means is always equal to the standard deviation of the parent population divided by the square root of the sample size
– The distribution of means will increasingly approximate a normal distribution as the sample size increases.