Lecture 5 - Female Reproductive Systems Flashcards
Ovipositor - invertebrates
something to position eggs
can be simple tubes or something more complex, tend to be associated with invertebrates but some vertebrates have them
- lay eggs and glue to substrate (eg underside of reed)
- dig into ground and deposit eggs underground
- no glue produced
- back end of abdomen is used to bury
- ants and wasps have specialized ovipositors that can double as a sting
- usd as parasitoid wasps to inject eggs into eg a tarantula
Ovipositor - teleosts
Japanese bitterling
- innoculates a muscle with her eggs using an ovipositor
- she injects her eggs into the gill favity of the swan mussel
- her eggs are safe inside the gill filaments of the mussel
- next challenge is for male to fertilize the eggs
- ejaculates into the inlet of the mussel where there’s a natural flow so the sperm flows over the eggs
- the mussel is parasitized and the fish eat it from the inside out as they grow
sygnathidae (sea horses)
- inserts ovipositor into his prood pouch
- sex role reversal
- male retains the sperm she ejects the eggs
Female reproductive anatomy (human)

Female reproductive anatomy (human)
- simple uterus
- fundus is body of the uterus
- oviduct - leading away from the uterus - egg tube with 2 parts
- sperm comes up through the uterus and becomes decapacitated when it passes through the isthmus
- fertilization takes place in the ampulla and the embryo rolls down into the uterus
- 2 different layers of the uterus
- endometrium - inner glandular layer
- myometrium - outer muscular layer
- os has 2 parts
- external os - where primates deposit semen
- internal os - where boars deposit semen
Female reproductive anatomy (human) - more detailed

body of the uterus
egg tube leading away from the uterus
2 parts - isthmus and ampulla
- sperm comes up through the uterus and becomes decapacitated in the isthmus
- fertilization takes place in the ampulla
then embryo rolls down into the uterus
Corpus of the uterus
Layers of the uterus
- endometrium - inner glandular layer
- myometrium - outer muscular layer
Os parts
- external os - where primates deposit semen
- internal os - where boars deposit semen (corkscrew penis)
Uterine histoloty - eutheria
4 basic designs
- duplex uterus
- bipartite uterus
- bicornate uterus
- simplex uterus
Duplex uterus
2 seperate uteri + 2 separate cervixes
- most primitive
- seen in rodentia and lagomorpha
- why rodents are so prolific - can be pregnant in both cervixes
Bipartite uterus
- 2 uteri + 1 certix
- carnivora and cetacea
Bicornate uterus
- 2 uterine horns + 1 cervix
- insectivores and ungulates
Simplex uterus
- 1 uters + 1 cervix
- less prolific/very few offspring
- primates, chrioptera, edentates
Uterine histology - Eutheria

Ovarian glands - picture

Ovarian glands
- oocytes = primordial follicle
- secondary follicle produces estradiol as the major ovarian sescretion in the first half of the cycle
- the oocyte and the surrounding somatic cells cooperate to produce estradiol
- the cells which make up the follicel are destined to become the corpus luteum in the second half of the cycle - which produces progesterone
- pro = for, gest = gestation
The ovarian cycle - part 1
- primordial follicle = oocyte and single layer of granulosa cells
- as it becomes a pre-antral follicle the oocyte is much bigger
- then have multiple layers of granulosa cells, start getting theca cells around the edge
- theca cells differentiate to
- theca interna (base membrane)
- theca externa
The ovarian cycle - part 1
primordial follicle
oocyte + granulosa cells
- oocytes start out as primordial germ cells in the yolk sac and invade the embryo (don’t start in gonads)
- if teh germ cells find themselves in ovaries = oogonia, in testes = spermatogonia
- oogonia enter meiosis, become oocytes, committed to meiosis
granluosa cells look after the eggs
- somatic cells, like sertoli cells in males
The ovarian cycle - part 1
pre-antral follicle
oocyte + granulosa + theca cells
- the primordial follicle becomes pre-antral follicle
- granluosa cell layers divide
- new cell type appears and surrounds the granulosa cells = theca cells
- theca cells surrounding granulosa cells
- like leydic cells around sertoli cells
- leydig cells produce testosterone (androgen) in response to LH
- theca cells produce androgens in response to LH
The ovarian cycle - part 1
antral follicle
- has cavities - somatic cells divide by mitosis (exponentially)
- however the follicle is a sphere so 4/3 Πr3
- follicle grows more quickly than cells grow to fill it
The ovarian cycle - part 1
pre-ovulatory follicle
- as this structure gets bigger, granulosa cells called mural granulosa cells (wall of follicle)
- cumulus granulosa cells (form cloud around oocyte)
The ovarian cycle - part 1
- primordial follicle
- pre-antral follicle
- antral follicle
- pre-ovulatory follicle
Functions of estradiol
- exerts negative feedback within HPG axis
- acts on endometiral cells as a mitogen - stimulates proliferation of endometrium ready for embryo implantation
- causes breast cells to divide
Follicular estradiol biosynthesis
→ (requires enzyme CYP19A1 aromatase)
Follicular estradiol biosynthesis
estrone (E1)
(1 hydroxyl)
Follicular estradiol biosynthesis
estradiol (E2)
(2 hydroxyl groups)
Follicular estradiol biosynthesis
estriol (E3)
(3 hydroxyls)
Two cell - two gonadotrophin
model of follicular steroidogenesis
ovarian follicle has 2 major somatic cell types
- theca cells
- granulosa cells
separated by a strong basal membrane
- theca cells make androgen
- granulosa cell has no blood supply because of thick basal membrane which can’t be penetrated by blood vessels
→ no way to get blood supply to it (granulosa cells = avascular)
- cholesterol can’t get to granulosa cells - has to rely on androgen to make steroids
- converts androgen to estrone
- (steroids can fuse through membrane)
- theca cells respond to LH (like Leydig cells)
- granulosa cells respond to FSH (like Sertoli cells)
Two cell - two gonadotrophin
model of follicular stroidogenesis

The HPO axis in the follicular phase of the ovarian cycle

The HPO axis in the follicular phase of the ovarian cycle
- GnRH from the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary wher it will stimulate the production of gonadotrophins (LH and FSH)
- need both LH and FSH if going to make estradiol
- estradiol is linked to long-loop negative feedback to suppress GnRH
- whereas short-loop negative feedback suppresses LH and FHS
The ovarian cycle - part 2
- how an egg develops surrounded by somatic cells as it goes through primordial, pre-antran, and pre-ovulatory folllicles
- the cells which are left behind form the corpus luteum
- made up of luteinized granulosa cells and theca cells
- when the corpus luteum dies it loses its yellow color and becomes a white body - the corpus albicans
The ovarian cycle - part 2
- release of cumulus-oocyte complex
corpus luteum (“yellow body”)
- luteinized granulosa and theca cells
corpus albicans
- the change of granulosa and theca cells into granulosa luteal or theca luteal cells requires them to become mixed and vascularized
- the cells become enormous, corpus luteum have
- large luteal cells form granulosa cells (GL)
- smallluteal cells from theca cells (TL)
- driven by LH
- hypertrophy, different pigment
- mixing of vascularized granulosa- and theca-derived luteal cells
- cellular hypertrophy
- “large” luteal cells (GL)
- “small” luteal cells (TL)
- accumulation of lutein
- antioxidant, carotenoid pigment
- major product is progesterone
Functions of progesterone
- exerts negative feedback within HPG axis (on ovarian cycle)
- thickens cervical mucus
- blocks passage of sperm across cervical os
- switches off estrogen receptor so uterine(?) can no longer proliferate
- exerts anti-proliferative effect on endometrium (dec. ER expression)
- stimulates differentiation of endometrial cells - decidualization
- stimulates secretion of uterine nutrients from endometrial glands
- increases bloodflow to uterus
- estradiol about making the endometrium thick - progesterone about making the endometrium functional
Two cell - one gonadotrophin model of luteal steroidogenesis
- the 2 cells-2 gonadotrophin model of follicular steroidogenesis separated by basal membrane
- when these cells are luteinized they’re all exposed to blood and all get cholesterol
→ theca-derived luteal cells will be able to make progesterone and secrete, and so will granulosa-derived theca cells → estradiol in primates
- all of this is under the control of LH
Two cell - one gonadotrophin model of luteal steroidogenesis

HPO axis in the luteal phase

HPO axis in the luteal phase
- if we switch to ovulation have corpus luteum in the ovary
- if primate - will reduce progesterone
- long- ad short-loop negative feedback to suppress LH
when the corpus luteum is no longer needed it will undergo luteal regression
Luteal regression/luteolysis
2 step process
functional luteolysis
- corpus luteum stops making progesterone (dec. P4)
structural luteolysis
- cells burst, corpus luteum → albincans then bursts
- the corpus luteum will stop making progesterone about a month before it bursts
- could reflec the decline in LH support
- corpus luteum runs on LH
- loss of LH could cause it to die
- could reflect antigonadotrophic actions of PGF2α (ovarian or uterine)
- in other species there is an active hormone that cuases the function of corpus luteum to stop working - PGF2α
- the quickest way to transport something is counter current exchange in the ovary
- hormones made in the uterus leaving the uterine (?) vein go straight into the uterine (?) artery
- in priates we can take the uterus out and it doesn’t affect the corpus luteum
- the prostaglandins may be made in the ovary itself
- could reflec the decline in LH support
The ovarian cycle has 2 phases
- ovicular phase - dominated by ovarian follicles
- luteal phase - dominated by the corpus luteum
The ovarian cycles are distinct from either
- oestrous cycles
- menstrual cycles
The menstrual cycle is really rare
only really seen in higher primates like humans,
possibly in elephants,
only in some bats
The Menstrual (Uterine) Cycle
- all about the endometrium
- as higher primates we lose the surface layers of the endometrium at menses
- can’t have menstrual cycle if there isn’t menses/loss of blood
- the endometrium breaks down, gets thinner, then proliferates again
- in humans if a 28 day cycle the endometrium proliferates over the first 14 days
The menstrual cycle has 2 phases
- proliferative phase
- endometrium proliferates
- estradiol
- secretory phase
- endometrium secretes
- secretes nutrients for the early embryo
- progesterone
- making something for the blastocyst to attach to and implant
The Menstrual (Uterine) cycle

The phases of the menstrual/endometrial cycle corresponde with
the phase of the ovarian cycle
but they are 2 separate cycles
The proliferation of the endoemtrium is driven by
estradiol - a mitogen
- in us this is identical to the follicular phase of the ovarian cycle
- the words are not interchangeable
The secretory phase is driven by
progesterone from the corpus luteum
- secretory phase of the endometrial cycle corresponds with the luteal phase of the ovarian cycle
In us - because we menstruate we…
take out timing for menses
- when we talk about day 1 we talk about te first day of menstruation
Menstrual and Ovarian Cycles

The menstrual cycle depends on
the ovarain cycle
In the follicular phase of the ovarian cycle we starte wtih some
- follicle stimulating hormones (FSH)
- wake up those follicles that have been sleeping for maybe 40 years
- this stimulates the production of estradiol which increases as the follicles grow
- the the follicle goes from primordial to pre-antral to antral to ovulatory it produces more and more estrogen which stimulates the endometrium to proliferate
- around mid-gestation get a surge in LH
- the follicle ruptures, the remnants become a corpus luteum which makes progesterone which causes the endometrium to secrete
- this is not coincidental - the steroids coming from the ovary are driving the endometrium
What if an animal doesn’t menstruate?
if dealing with any other mammals, especially non-primates, talk about the oestrous cycle
period of sexual receptivity
- when a female is in heat
When should oestrous occur?
at the time of ovulation
- only makes sense to do when fertile
- the day of oestrous will be the day of ovulation
Day 1 of the oestrous cycle is
- the start of ovulation
- means that start the cycle with the corpus luteum and progesterone
- start with luteal phase and go to the follicular phase of the next ovarian cycle
Oestrous cycle

Menstrual v Oestrous Cycle
- menstrual cycle - day 1 coincides with the start of the follicular phase
- oestrous cycle - reference point starts at luteal phase of one cycle then the follicular phase of the next, and then the next ovulation
- primordial follicle = oocyte + single layer of granulosa cells
- preantral follicle = oocyte + multiple layers of granulosa cells
- antral follicle = multiple layers of Gc and theca cells + antrum
- ovulatory follicle = multiple layers of GC and TC + single large antrum
- the sphere gets bigger faster than doubling so get small gaps opening betwen the granulosa cells which will coalesce to form a single antrum
- primordial follicle
- pre-antral follicle
- antral follicle
- ovulatory follicle

The development of the pirmordial and pre-antral follicles doesn’t require
- but if there are they’re local hormones
- not LH or FSH
- don’t need FSH for early stages of folliculogenesis
- it’s only early antral follicles which respond to FSH
- when that gap starts to appear between the granulosa cells that the cells become responsive to FSH
- that regulate FSH receptors
When the gap starts to appear between the granulosa cells
the cells become responsive to FSH
When a follicle matures it
becomes responsive to LH as well
The theca cells were always LH-responsive, but in the late antral stages …
the granulosa cells (around ovulation) become responsive to LH as well
LH and FSH in folliculogenesis
- the development of primordial and pre-antral follicles does not require hormones
- early antral follicles respond to FSH
- when the gap starts to appear betewen the granulosa cells they become responsive to FSH
- when a follicle matures it becomes responsive to LH as well
- theca cells were always responsive to LH bu tin te late atnral stages the granulosa cells become responsive to LH as well
- an ovulatory follicle respodns to LH everywhere
- early antral follicles - FSH only
- late antral follicle s- FSH in the granulosa, LH in the theca
- ovulatory follicles - every cell is responding to LH because LH receptors have been switched on in the granulosa cells
Endocrine support of follicle development and function
- primordial and pre-antral follicles
- gonadotrophin-independent
- early antral follicles
- respond to FSH
late antral follicles
- respond to FSH (granulosa) and LH (theca)
- ovulatory follicles
- respond to LH
Follicular atresia
(first cells = preantral follicles)
(antresia = apoptosis via caspases etc)
(final cell = monotocus - only 1 antral goes through)

Most follicles die
follicular atresia
(eg picture - of this pool in a given month of pre-antral follicles, only 6 made it through and rest lost by a process of atresia)
(of those pre-antral follciles we’re monotocus - only 1 makes it through)
the only one that doesn’t undergo atresia is the one that responds well to FSH and LH
- a process of apoptosis
- expression of caspases and other mitochondrial genes associated with apoptosis
Follicle selection/Dominance
- the follicle that makes it through is the one that responds well to LH
- the others die of atresia
- dominant follicle in monotocus
- produces most estradiol → greatest negative feedback, suppress FSH and LH to kill ones that aren’t very sensitivte → still responds to jsut LH
Follicle selection/Dominance

Changing responsiveness to gonadotrophins in the dominant follicle
- the most FSH-responsive follcile makes the most E2
- negative feedback from E2 suppresses FSH
- E2 upregulates LHCGR (LH receptor) on GCs
- only one follicle which responds to LH and FSH the best will go through to ovulation
- still have follicular dominance in a polytocus specis because not all of them make it through
- the dominant/selected follicles are the ones that produce the most estradiol
- produce most estradiol, therefore have the greatest exertion of negative feedback on the pituitary gland
- the largest follicles - the dominant follicles - will suppress FH and LH
- that will kill all of the follicles that aren’t very sensitive
- only the most sensitive one will continue to respond to those declining levels of FSH
- that follicle which is responsive to FSH cuts off the FSH supply to everything else
- it’s the one that becomes responsive to just LH
- producing estradiol, suppressing FSH, running on LH
Follicular dominace
- the most FSH-responsive follicle is the one which makes the most estradiol
- estradiol suppresses FSH but crucially upregulates LH receptor (LHGCR) on the granulosa cells
- the follicle that switches to not needing FSH and denyint it to every other follicle in the cell
Ovulation occurs mid-cycle between
the follicular phase and the luteal phase
Ovulation occurs mid-cycle between the follicular phase and the luteal phase

Ovulation occurs mid-cycle between the follicular phase and the luteal phase
- end of the follicular phase
- start of the luteal phase
Text books are wrong
- say you go from primordial trough to ovulatory follicle in the 2 weeks of the follicular phase
- will you tell that the corpus lutuem dies within 2 weeks
- when we look at timings of events, it takes 6 weeks in a human to remove from a pimordial to a pre-antral follicle
- it takes another month for that follicle to evolve from being a pre-antral follicle to an antral follicle
- so in total = 3 months
- 3 months for primordial follicle to wake up and go through to ovulation
- most of them will not make it
Human folliculogenesis timetable

Human folliculogenesis takes
12 weeks
- 6 weeks primordial to pre-antral
- 4 weeks pre-antral to antral
- 2 weeks antral to graffian/ovulatory
- primordial follicle - 3 months ago will start developing
- in this specific ovarian cycle, all that will happen pre-ovulation, all that will happen is the progression from antral to an ovulatory follicle
- the last 2 weeks occur this month - the rest occurred 3 months ago
Human folliculogenesis
primordial follicle
- oocyte + single layer of granulosa cells
pre-antral follicle
- oocyte + multiple layers of GC
antral follicle
- multiple layers of GC and theca cells + antrum
graffian/ovulatory ollicle
- multiple layers of GC and TC + single large antrum
The ovarian cycle
- the progression from FSH dependence to LH dependence
- that late ovulator follicle depnds on LH, s does the corpus luteum
- the corpus luteum lives for 2 weeks - dies in the following month
- that progression through corpus albicans happens after the cycle finishes
- functional luteolysis - stops making progesterone
- structural luteolysis - then becomes corpus albicans and dies
The ovarian cycle