Lecture 5 - Female Reproductive Systems Flashcards
Ovipositor - invertebrates
something to position eggs
can be simple tubes or something more complex, tend to be associated with invertebrates but some vertebrates have them
- lay eggs and glue to substrate (eg underside of reed)
- dig into ground and deposit eggs underground
- no glue produced
- back end of abdomen is used to bury
- ants and wasps have specialized ovipositors that can double as a sting
- usd as parasitoid wasps to inject eggs into eg a tarantula
Ovipositor - teleosts
Japanese bitterling
- innoculates a muscle with her eggs using an ovipositor
- she injects her eggs into the gill favity of the swan mussel
- her eggs are safe inside the gill filaments of the mussel
- next challenge is for male to fertilize the eggs
- ejaculates into the inlet of the mussel where there’s a natural flow so the sperm flows over the eggs
- the mussel is parasitized and the fish eat it from the inside out as they grow
sygnathidae (sea horses)
- inserts ovipositor into his prood pouch
- sex role reversal
- male retains the sperm she ejects the eggs
Female reproductive anatomy (human)
Female reproductive anatomy (human)
- simple uterus
- fundus is body of the uterus
- oviduct - leading away from the uterus - egg tube with 2 parts
- sperm comes up through the uterus and becomes decapacitated when it passes through the isthmus
- fertilization takes place in the ampulla and the embryo rolls down into the uterus
- 2 different layers of the uterus
- endometrium - inner glandular layer
- myometrium - outer muscular layer
- os has 2 parts
- external os - where primates deposit semen
- internal os - where boars deposit semen
Female reproductive anatomy (human) - more detailed
body of the uterus
egg tube leading away from the uterus
2 parts - isthmus and ampulla
- sperm comes up through the uterus and becomes decapacitated in the isthmus
- fertilization takes place in the ampulla
then embryo rolls down into the uterus
Corpus of the uterus
Layers of the uterus
- endometrium - inner glandular layer
- myometrium - outer muscular layer
Os parts
- external os - where primates deposit semen
- internal os - where boars deposit semen (corkscrew penis)
Uterine histoloty - eutheria
4 basic designs
- duplex uterus
- bipartite uterus
- bicornate uterus
- simplex uterus
Duplex uterus
2 seperate uteri + 2 separate cervixes
- most primitive
- seen in rodentia and lagomorpha
- why rodents are so prolific - can be pregnant in both cervixes
Bipartite uterus
- 2 uteri + 1 certix
- carnivora and cetacea
Bicornate uterus
- 2 uterine horns + 1 cervix
- insectivores and ungulates
Simplex uterus
- 1 uters + 1 cervix
- less prolific/very few offspring
- primates, chrioptera, edentates
Uterine histology - Eutheria
Ovarian glands - picture
Ovarian glands
- oocytes = primordial follicle
- secondary follicle produces estradiol as the major ovarian sescretion in the first half of the cycle
- the oocyte and the surrounding somatic cells cooperate to produce estradiol
- the cells which make up the follicel are destined to become the corpus luteum in the second half of the cycle - which produces progesterone
- pro = for, gest = gestation
The ovarian cycle - part 1
- primordial follicle = oocyte and single layer of granulosa cells
- as it becomes a pre-antral follicle the oocyte is much bigger
- then have multiple layers of granulosa cells, start getting theca cells around the edge
- theca cells differentiate to
- theca interna (base membrane)
- theca externa
The ovarian cycle - part 1
primordial follicle
oocyte + granulosa cells
- oocytes start out as primordial germ cells in the yolk sac and invade the embryo (don’t start in gonads)
- if teh germ cells find themselves in ovaries = oogonia, in testes = spermatogonia
- oogonia enter meiosis, become oocytes, committed to meiosis
granluosa cells look after the eggs
- somatic cells, like sertoli cells in males
The ovarian cycle - part 1
pre-antral follicle
oocyte + granulosa + theca cells
- the primordial follicle becomes pre-antral follicle
- granluosa cell layers divide
- new cell type appears and surrounds the granulosa cells = theca cells
- theca cells surrounding granulosa cells
- like leydic cells around sertoli cells
- leydig cells produce testosterone (androgen) in response to LH
- theca cells produce androgens in response to LH
The ovarian cycle - part 1
antral follicle
- has cavities - somatic cells divide by mitosis (exponentially)
- however the follicle is a sphere so 4/3 Πr3
- follicle grows more quickly than cells grow to fill it
The ovarian cycle - part 1
pre-ovulatory follicle
- as this structure gets bigger, granulosa cells called mural granulosa cells (wall of follicle)
- cumulus granulosa cells (form cloud around oocyte)
The ovarian cycle - part 1
- primordial follicle
- pre-antral follicle
- antral follicle
- pre-ovulatory follicle
Functions of estradiol
- exerts negative feedback within HPG axis
- acts on endometiral cells as a mitogen - stimulates proliferation of endometrium ready for embryo implantation
- causes breast cells to divide
Follicular estradiol biosynthesis
→ (requires enzyme CYP19A1 aromatase)
Follicular estradiol biosynthesis
estrone (E1)
(1 hydroxyl)
Follicular estradiol biosynthesis
estradiol (E2)
(2 hydroxyl groups)
Follicular estradiol biosynthesis
estriol (E3)
(3 hydroxyls)
Two cell - two gonadotrophin
model of follicular steroidogenesis
ovarian follicle has 2 major somatic cell types
- theca cells
- granulosa cells
separated by a strong basal membrane
- theca cells make androgen
- granulosa cell has no blood supply because of thick basal membrane which can’t be penetrated by blood vessels
→ no way to get blood supply to it (granulosa cells = avascular)
- cholesterol can’t get to granulosa cells - has to rely on androgen to make steroids
- converts androgen to estrone
- (steroids can fuse through membrane)
- theca cells respond to LH (like Leydig cells)
- granulosa cells respond to FSH (like Sertoli cells)
Two cell - two gonadotrophin
model of follicular stroidogenesis
The HPO axis in the follicular phase of the ovarian cycle
The HPO axis in the follicular phase of the ovarian cycle
- GnRH from the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary wher it will stimulate the production of gonadotrophins (LH and FSH)
- need both LH and FSH if going to make estradiol
- estradiol is linked to long-loop negative feedback to suppress GnRH
- whereas short-loop negative feedback suppresses LH and FHS
The ovarian cycle - part 2
- how an egg develops surrounded by somatic cells as it goes through primordial, pre-antran, and pre-ovulatory folllicles
- the cells which are left behind form the corpus luteum
- made up of luteinized granulosa cells and theca cells
- when the corpus luteum dies it loses its yellow color and becomes a white body - the corpus albicans