Lecture 5 - Epigenetics Flashcards
Heritable modifcations of DNA or chromatin that doesn’t alter the primary nucleotide sequence
4 main types of epigenetic regulations at the chromatin level:
- DNA methylation
- Histone Modifications
- ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling
- Long non-coding RNAs
NOTE: These processes don’t operate in isolation, but are co-ordinated to precisely regulate gene expression
Hetereochromatin vs Euchromatin:
- Condensed
- Transcriptionally silent
- High levels of DNA methylation
- Common in somatic cells
- Decondensed
- Actively Transcribed
- Lower levels of DNA methylation
- In the early embryo and ESCs, majority of chromatin is euchromatin
4 main families of ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling complexes:
ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling complexes affect chromatin structure by:
[3 things]
Nucleosome sliding
Histone exchange
Histone eviction
SWI/SNF family of ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling complexes:
Crucial for early development
Known as BAF complexes in mammals
Complex comprised of:
- ATPase subunit
- Core subunits that scaffold the complex on chromatin
- Lineage-specific subunits that affect target site selection
ESCs contain a unique BAF complex known as esBAF, regulates expression of pluripotency associated genes (Oct4, Sox2)
Types of histone modifications:
Acetylation Methylation Ubiquitination Sumoylation Phosphorylation
Histone Code:
Sum of all Post-translational modifications
Controlled by histone writers (e.g. HATs) and histone erases (e.g. HDACs)
Acetylation of histone Lysine residues is associated with euchromatin/heterochromatin as it strengthens/weakens the charge attraction between histones and DNA, serving to decondense chromatin and facilitate gene transcription
Acetylation of histone Lysine residues is associated with EUCHROMATIN as it WEAKENS the charge attraction between histones and DNA, serving to decondense chromatin and facilitate gene transcription
HATs activate gene expression via acetylation
HDACs activate gene expression via deacetylation
HDACs silence genes via deacetylation
2 types of HATs
Type A - Nucleus, chromatin remodellers
Type B - Cytoplasm, acetylates histones prior to nucleosome assembly
4 classes of HDACs
Histone Methylation:
More complicated than acetylation, can be either activating or repressing depending on location of methylated residue.
Methylation of Lys20 of H4 is important to ensure genome integrity via DNA damage repair, DNA replication, and chromatin compaction.
Unlike acetylation, doesn’t affect histone charge, instead creates docking sites for other proteins.
Chromo-domains on recruited proteins recognise methylated Lys residues
The hallmark of transcriptionally active genes is H3K4me3 in the promoter region and H3K36me3 across the gene body.
H3K27me3 is central for gene repression
Bivalent Domains:
Function to hold the promoters of key developmental genes in a state of minimal expression that is poised for full activation (following removal of H3K27me3) or definitive repression (following removal of H3K4me3)
H2AK119Ub1 mark has been shown to repress gene expression
Mono-ubiquitination of H2A is a major modification in mammalian cells
Has been mapped to Lys119
The Polycomb system:
The Polycomb system is an important gene regulatory system that negatively regulates gene expression during development and in ESCs.
Polycomb Group (PcG) proteins belong to 2 multiprotein complexes:
- Polycomb Repressive Complex (PRC1): E3 Ubiquitin Ligase -> H2AK119Ub1
- PRC2: Methyltransferase -> H3K27Me1/2/3
Mutations in PcG genes lead to developmental abnormalities.
DNA methylation generally activates/represses gene expression.
DNA methylation generally REPRESSES gene expression.
Promotes binding of proteins that promote chromatin condensation, preventing access of transcription machinery.
DNA is methylated on the Cytosine residue of CpG dinucleotides by BLANKS
DNA is methylated on the Cytosine residue of CpG dinucleotides by DNA methyltransferases
After fertilisation: DNA methylation erased in the embryo
After implantation: DNA methylation restored to high levels
There are 3 DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) in mammals:
DNMT1: Maintains DNA methylation, strong affinity for hemi-methylated sites implicates DNMT1 in epigenetic inheritence and DNA replication
DNMT3A: Important for de novo methylation
DNMT3B : Important for de novo methylation
Deletion of DNMT1 -> Cell Death (In human ESCs)
Deletion of DNMT3A/B -> Doesn’t Kill Cell (In human ESCs)
DNA Methylation and Genomic Imprinting:
Small fraction of genes undergo imprinting, most frequently arranged in clusters which are co-regulated.
Most clusters feature a CpG rich differentially methylated imprinting control region (ICR)
ICR methylation occurs in gametes, but is maintained post-fertilisation
ICR methylation normally leads to repression of the imprinted cluster
Imprinted clusters contain several protein-coding genes and at least one lncRNA gene
Clusters are divided into 2 types:
- ICR methylated during oogenesis on maternally inherited chromosome
- ICR methylated during spermatogenesis on paternally inherited chromosome
BLANK maintains genomic imprinting via strong affintiy for hemi-methylated DNA
DNMT1 maintains genomic imprinting via strong affintiy for hemi-methylated DNA