Lecture 5 - Axila, Lateral Cervical Triangle Flashcards
What bones are found in the pectoral region?
Sternum Clavicle
- Manubrium Ribs
- Body Scapula
- Xiphoid process
What are the functions of fascia in the pectoral region?
Defines borders
Invests muscles
Creates potential spaces
What structures are associated with the superficial fascia of the pectoral region?
- supraclavicular nerves
- anterior and lateral branches of intercostal nerves
What are the borders of the deltopectoral triangle?
- deltoid -pectoralis major
- clavicle (middle)
What are the contents of the deltopectoral triangle?
- cephalic vein
- deltoid branch of thoracoacromial artery
- deltopectoral lymph nodes
What is the clavipectoral fascia?
- clavicle
- anterior thoracic wall
- subclavius
- pectoralis minor
Blood vessels:
- cephalic vein
- throacoacromial artery
-lateral pectoral nerves
What forms the suspensory ligament?
The inferior portion of the clavipectoral fascia
What are the muscles of the pectoral region?
- pectoralis major -pectoralis minor
- subclavius -serratus anterior
What innervates the muscles of the pectoral region?
Ventral rami of the spinal nerves via the brachial plexus.
What structures are associated with the superficial cervical fascia?
Muscles: - platysma Blood vessels: -superficial veins Nerves: -cutaneous nerves (Remember its superficial to help with nerves and blood vessels)
What structures are associated with the prevertebral fascia?
Covers the muscles of the lateral cervical triangle.
What are the borders of the lateral cervical triangle?
Anterior border: -posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid
Posterior border: -anterior border of the trapezius
Inferior border: -clavicle
What are the muscles of the lateral cervical triangle? (6)
- splenius capitus -levator scapulae
- scalenus posterior -scalenus medius
- scalenus anterior -omohyoid
What vascular structures are contained in the lateral cervical triangle? (3/2)
- occipital artery -subclavian vein
- transverse cervical artery -external jugular vein
- subclavian artery
What nerves are contained in the lateral cervical triangle?
-lesser occipital (C2) -supraclavicular (C3,4) -accessory (CN XI)