Lecture 5 Flashcards
SNAREs and vesicles
V-SNARE proteins attach to vesicles, T-SNARE proteins attach to release site, they join together to have the vesicle ready for release
action potential and synapses steps
1- when AP arrives, depolarization causes voltage gated Ca2+ to open, Ca2+ flows in
2- Ca2+ activates synaptotagmin that pulls the ready vesicles to target site and makes them fuse with it
3- vesicles fuse with the membrane of the synapse, releasing their contents into the synaptic cleft
4- Ca2+ channels close, excess Ca2+ is removed
5- vesicle membrane is recycled
6- reuptake, transmitters collected by transporter molecules and reused
Selective seratonin reuptake inhibitors- cause seratonin to stay in synapse longer, causing longer effects (antidepressant)
the most common neurotransmitter in CNS, usually excitatory (causes depolarization)
most common inhibitory transmitter in CNS
norepinephrine and dopamine (DA)
catecholamines that are important to CNS modulators
nerve to muscles, and CNS modulator
ionotropic receptor
direct ion gated
metabotropic receptor
indirect action through second messengers
Reception that results in depolarization
1- post synaptic ion channels are changed to allow positively charged ions to enter (like Na+)
2- inside of synapse becomes less negatively charged and neuron gets closer to threshold
3- neuron becomes more likely to generate an AP all on its own
4- neuron is said to be excited (EPSP)
Excitatory post synaptic potential
reception that results in hyperpolarization
1- post synaptic ion channels are changed to allow negatively charged ions to enter (like Cl-)
2- inside of synapse becomes even more negatively charged and neuron gets farther from threshold
3- neuron becomes less likely to generate an AP all on its own
4- neuron is said to be inhibited (IPSP)
inhibitory post synaptic potential
post synaptic potentials vs action potentials
PSPs: passive propagation (become smaller with distance) graded (variable magnitude) excitatory or inhibitory APs: active propagation (do not decay with distance) all or none only one kind of action potential
where on the axon has the highest concentration of voltage gated Na+/K+ channels?
the axon hillock, so easily initiate AP if EPSPs and IPSPs reaching it sum to threshold level
why doesn’t poison dart frog poison itself
basis of effect is binding to a particular part of Na+ channels and permanently blocking them open, muscles seize up
its own Na+ channels have a single gene single amino acid difference
still works as a sodium channel but isn’t affected by toxin