Lecture 5: 7 Stages of Viral Attachment Flashcards
What are the basic 7 stages?
- Attachment/Adsorption
- Penetration & entry
- Genome uncoating/early protein production
- Viral genome replication
- Production of virus late proteins
- Assembly
- Exit & release
What is required of the cell for penetration & entry of the virus/viral genome?
A hydrated surface, not dry or waxy surfaces
Why is the production of virus early proteins necessary?
Needed to produce proteins in preparation for genome replication afterwards. ie. Polymerase
What are nascent virions?
Virions produced for immediate release, freshly produced to be immediately pathogenic
What is the difference between early and late gene expression?
Early expression occurs before the original genome is replicated and is responsible for producing replication-related proteins. Late expression occurs after genome replication, is responsible for producing capsid or envelope proteins, and is produced from the REPLICATED GENOME.
Why might scaffolding proteins be needed during the assembly of nascent virions (step 6)?
These are proteins that bring together two or more proteins into a favorable reactive position to assemble them. Scaffolding proteins assemble. They assist with capsid or envelope assembly.
How do cytocidal viruses cause cytolysis?
Upon exit & release, these cells will burst with nascent virions, killing the host cell.
What is the cytopathic effect?
The cytopathic effect are the changes on the host cell surface’s appearance that show up during viral infection.
What are the necessary steps of attachment?
- A COLLISION must occur btw the host cell and virion
- Attachment protein on virion and glycoprotein on host cell BINDING
Define avidity
The strength of binding between attachment protein and receptor molecules that is further increased by multiple points of interaction.
Define co-opted
To be used for multiple functions. In our situation, a receptor can have its own function AND be used as a virus binding site. A virus can use various surface receptors, acid residues, and glycoproteins on the host cell to bind; especially a cell-cell adhesion molecule. (ie. A large variety of proteins are available to be potentially co-opted by a virus as its receptors).
How are viral diseases and cell receptors related?
The cell-type on which receptor is found may be consistent with the type of viral disease.
What type of molecule is common as a surface receptor?
Cell-cell adhesion molecules (ie. ICAM)
How do cell-cell adhesion molecules relate to antibodies?
Cell-cell adhesion molecules tend to be members of the immunoglobulin-superfamily and contain multiple immunoglobulin-like domains.
What is the Ig fold and why is it important to know?
Ig domain predates the evolution of vertebrates. It’s likely that Ig-like genes were present in invertebrates, diversifying and duplicating as we evolved.
How did the neutralizing activity of antibodies evolve?
Ig domains likely started as surface receptors for blocking viral infection acting as rudimentary antibodies.This selectively advantageous neutralizing activity likely evolved further, possibly some protease cleaved it to allow it to float in solution.
How are viruses important in the evolution of rudimentary antibodies to soluble antibodies?
The existence of viruses likely drove this evolution of the adaptive immune system.
How does fusion-mediated entry work? What kind of virus (enveloped or non-enveloped) would use this method?
Enveloped. Viral lipid envelope binds to host plasma membrane via spike-receptor binding, in a process called adsorption. Then, their membranes would fuse and the viral capsid would enter the host cell, leaving the viral spikes and envelope on the host membrane.
How does receptor-mediated endocytosis work? What kind of virus (enveloped or non-enveloped) would use this method?
Non-enveloped/naked capsid. Clathrin-coated pit forms, triggered by virion collision with cell-cell adhesion molecule (ie. ICAM). Endocytotic vesicle forms, and becomes acidified. The capsid is partially broken down, and the endosome is lysed, releasing the viral genome into the host cell cytoplasm.
How are pre-lysosomal proteases activated?
Acidification of the endosome exposes parts of the virus capsid protein that makes capsid porous to virus genome (genome can exit the capsid).
Exposes portions of virus capsid proteins comprising endosomolytic peptides and may activate pre-lysosomal protease (Cathespin) cleaves the endosomolytic peptides from capsid.
What are endosomolytic peptides? How do they lead to endosomal lysis? How do they help with viral genome extraction into the cytoplasm?
These proteins destabilize the endosome’s membrane so the endosome can break down. Virus’s genome can be released into the cytosol.
How does exosome-mediated entry work? (Know generally)
Virus infects secreted exosomes from a donor cell. Exosomes are uptaken by recipient cell, thus transferring the virus to the recipient cell.
How do enveloped viruses trigger membrane fusion?
Enveloped viruses can trigger lipid mixing by isomerizaton of the attachment protein/receptor complex. This occurs in step 1.
What is isomerization? When does it occur?
When a compound is transformed into a different isomeric form, changing its configuration/structure. It is used by enveloped viruses to begin membrane fusion. Also used by enveloped virus to exit an endocytic vesicles, dumping its contents into the host cytoplasm.
What are the four major steps of attachment protein isomerization?
- CONFORMATION CHANGE in receptor upon virus binding
- Virus binds CO-RECEPTOR
- FUSION PEPTIDE projects into host cell membrane
- Attachment protein PULLS 2 membranes together.
How does HIV enter its host cell? [NOT SURE IF NEED TO KNOW]
Its attachment protein, consisting of gp41/gp120, binds to CD4 on host cell, inducing a conformational change in gp120. V3 loops are exposed, which binds the CCR5 co-receptor. Fusion peptide projects into host membrane, then attachment protein isomerizes to a trimer of hairpins to promote membrane fusion.
What is a syncytium? How is this involved in viral attack?
Viruses can spread directly to neighboring cells, fusing the cells together and creating a deformed, dysfunctional clump of fused cells.
How do viruses move toward the nucleus after it enters the cell?
Hijacking microtubule-based molecular motors like kinesins, and dyneins
What viruses use penetration? Why is it necessary?
Bacteriophages. Bacteria can have thick cell walls, so the bacteriophage will inject only the genome.
How can bacteriophages bind to bacterial cell walls?
Bacteriophages can bind glyco/lipoproteins, amino acids, sugar transport proteins, or F (sex) pili to attach to bacterial cell wall.
Describe how a bacteriophage can inject its genome into a bacterial cell?
- Receptor (feet) binds outer cell wall
- Tail pins lower to strengthen viral attachment.
- Pilot protein penetrates outer cell wall.
- Lysozyme degrades inner cll wall. Pilot protein disassembles.
- Genome is injected into both cell walls.