Lecture 5 Flashcards
What type of calcium is active in the body?
Ionized free form
Makes up about 50% of total calcium
Which calcium is provided on your serum biochemical profile?
Total calcium i.e. protein bound (40%), ionized (50%), and complexed (10%)
What are five functions of calcium?
Cell signaling, muscle contraction/nerve conduction, gene transcription, calcium mediated excitation, voltage dependent ion channgels
What does calcium concentrations depend on?
Dietary intake
Absorption by small intestine
Skeletal release
Renal reabsorption and excretion
What increases small intestinal absorption?
Increased by calcitriol (vit D), lactation, growing animals, acid in diet
Decreased by malabsorption, cortisol/steroids, thyroxin, chronic acidosis
What modifies the skeletal release of calcium?
PTH, calcitonin, age, osteolytic disease
What dictates renal excretion of calcium?
PTH, calcitriol, and calitonin action on distal tubules
What is the main endocrine organ involved in Ca/P metabolism?
Where does it come from?
What does it do?
PTH from chief cells of parathyroid gland
Increases Ca and decreases P
Where is calcitriol made?
What is it stimulated by?
What does it do?
Made in kidneys
Stimulated by PTH
Increases GI absorption of Ca and P, increases bone release, increases renal reabsorption
Basically increases both Ca and P
Where does calcitonin come from?
What does it do?
Produced by C cells of thyroid gland
Decreases serum Ca and P by inhibiting PTH
What protein is 40% of ca bound to?
What is the most common cause of hypocalcemia of total calcium in all species?
Hypcalcemia caused by hypoalbuminemia affects which pool of Ca?
Is this serious?
Total calcium
Ionized calcium stays the same
*this is benign
What can cause hypoalbuminemia?
Increased loss or decreased production
When you can’t measure it directly, what can you use to infer ionized calcium concentration?
Total calcium concentration
Albumin concentration
Acid base status
If you need ionized calcium, should you use correction formula?
No! Measure directly because the correction formula is very faulty
How does acidosis affect ionized calcium?
Acidosis increases ionized calcium while alkalosis decreases ionized calcium
What are causes of hypocalcemia?
Hypoparathyroidism Hypoalbuminemia Renal disease (not horses) Pancreatitis Intestinal malabsorption Spurious/artifact Alkalosis Lactation Ethylene glycol
When do clinical signs of hypocalcemia occur?
Why do these signs occur?
Only when ionized ca is low
Signs occur due to increased neuron excitability