Lecture 5: 19/09 Flashcards
How do cells apply stress/strain to actin networks?
Myosin - an actin motor protein
Multiple myosins form a mini filament
How do myosins move along the actin filaments?
Hydrolysis driven power stroke (cross bridge cycle)
Not processive at the single head level; the superstructure of myosin mini filaments allows it to energetically overcome thermodynamics and become processive
Explain the cytoskeleton components?
Actin: the frame
Crosslinkers: solidify the frame
Actin + Myosin: contract the frame
How does myosin change mechanics?
Generate tension between actin filaments
What are the roles of myosin and crosslinkers in an actin network?
Crosslinked actin with active myosin significantly increases the storage modulus (i.e., stiffness) compared to entangled, myosin, and crosslinked states, respectively.
Myosin + crosslinker = stiffer network (strain stiffening)
What is the function that represents G”/G’?
G”/G’ = tan(delta)
Explain the relationships between G’, G’’, and frequency in viscoelastic materials.
Low frequency: G”(w) > G’(w), more fluid like
High frequency: G’(w) > G”(w), more solid like
There is a crossover as frequency increases from a fluid-like to a solid-like domain
What determines the frequency crossover between solid and fluid like?
The crosslinking energy and timescale (duration).
Crosslinking determines storage or loss of strain energy.
Describe the vector relationships between G’, G”, and G*?
G’ in the x-direction
G’’ in the y direction
G* is the vector addition (hypotenuse) of G’ and G”, and delta is the angle between G’ and G*
What does the loss tangent describe?
Loss tangent = G”/G’ = loss/storage
Described the relative energy that is lost vs stored
LT > 1: principally viscous
LT < 1: principally solid
How does the ratio to myosin/actin impact stiffness and stress (K’)?
Increasing the myosin concentration increases the tension.
Increasing the myosin concentration increases the stiffness.
Increasing the myosin concentration increases the solidity (elasticity) as there is less frequency dependence (more flat)
Do myosin and the rheometer have the same effect?
Internal and external stress both stiffen with the same X (scaling exponent) in regards to the differential storage modulus K’.
Myosin is an internal source, rheometer would be external.
What is K’?
Differential elastic modulus that measures stiffness as a function of stress
Describe the scaling coefficient of frequency as it relates to K’?
K’(w) ~ w^x
x = 0 for solids
x = 1 for liquids
Why can we just look at the relationship between frequency and storage modulus to determine stiffness and solidity?
Elasticity is not time dependent (so G’ can show us this information), but viscosity is
What determines if the stress is stored or lost?
- Crosslinkers in the system (sliding vs tension)
- Can the filaments move on the timescale of the stress application
If the crosslinkers are bound for longer than the (timescale) force applied, the energy will be stored