Lecture 5 Flashcards
What is the corresponding empirical risk for 0-1 loss?
R_0,1 (h) = 1/n En i=1 L_0,1 (y_i, h)
If y_1, y_2, …, y_n are all unique, what is R_0,1(y_1)?
How many parameters does does the simple linear regression model have?
two: w_0 and w_1
What is a feature?
an attribute of data - a piece of information
What is an example of a numerical feature?
maximum allowed speed, time of departure
What is an example of a categorical feature?
day of the week
What is an example of a boolean feature?
was there a car accident on the road?
What is another name for H?
the prediction rule
What is overfitting?
when we make mean squared error very small, even zero
What is our goal when making predictions?
make good predictions on data we haven’t seen
What is the syntax of quadratic regression?
H(x) = w_0 + w_1x_1 + w_2 x^2
What is the syntax of exponential regression?
H(x) = w_0e^w_1x
What is the syntax of constant regression?
H(x) = w_0
What does w_1 stand for?
What does w_0 stand for?
What is a big problem with R_abs(h)?
it is not differentiable
How do we rewrite R_sq as a function of w_0 and w_1?
R_sq(w_0, w_1) = 1/n En i=1 (y_i - (w_0 + w_1x_i))^2
What does the graph of R_sq(w_0, w_1) look like?
it is a loss surface