Lecture 5 Flashcards
Definition for attention
Attention is your ability to select a
subset of input to let you identify
what has been selected
3 most important things in memory
Capacity, coding and retrieval
Describe the Modal Model of Memory (Atkinson and Shiffrin, 1968)
3 stages
- Starts with input to sensory memory the move to ->
- Short term working memory: where it can be worked/repeated to be ->
- Long term memory: where it can be stored
What is sensory memory
Large capacity, rapid decay, very fragile, everything comes into sensory memory, but there is not enough capacity to encode and represent it
What is Short term memory
Limited capacity, robust to decay and interference, provided contents are being actively worked
- Rehearsal: repeating or moving through the contents of STM so it is not lost
What is long term memory
Transfer: Moving contents from short term memory to long term memory
- Retrieving from LTM: moving a memory from LTM to STM so that you are aware of it and can express it
how does retrieval work in memory
memory needs to be moved from LTM to STM to be expressed
What is anterograde amnesia
Inability to encode new information after an incident (e.g., brain damage) (patient H.M)
The neural evidence for visual capacity:
you can get to about 4 things but not beyond
that, there are limits to what you can represent
What is dual task interference
- The negative influence on task performance due to performing 2 tasks concurrently
- Its existence suggests shared cognitive resources between tasks
- Its lack suggests the independence of cognitive resources required for the 2 tasks