Lecture 4 (x-ray-abdominal) -Exam 2 Flashcards
What are the different contrast agents for ab?
* When do you use them?
- Barium sulfate (not water soluble) – if no chance of bowel perforation
- Gastrografin, Isovue, Omnipaque (water soluble) – if any
chance patient has perforated bowel
Contrast studies of the GI Tract:
* _ swallow
* Upper GI can be what?
* Barium enema can be what?
* Observations of filling defects must be seenon what?
- Barium swallow
- Upper GI (single or double contrast)
- Barium Enema (BE), (single or doublecontrast)
- Observations of filling defects must be seenon several different views if they are to bebelieved
What are these?
Right: double (barium+air)
Left: single (barium)
What are the contraindications of barium studies?
- Patients with a large bowel obstructionshould not be given barium by mouth-> VOMITING
- Electrolyte imbalance
- Perforated bowel (from mouth to anus)
Upper GI Concepts
- Barium is usually used as what? Air is used as what?
- What is GI constract for?
- Barium is contraindicated when?
- Single contrast UGI=
- Double contrast UGI=
- Barium usually used as a positive contrast agent; air used as a negative contrast agent
- For the evaluation of mucosal lining and to search for filling defects
- Barium is contraindicated if a perforated bowel is suspected; patient is given Gastrografin
- Single contrast UGI=barium only
- Double contrast UGI=barium+air
Fill in
Pharynx/Esophageal Imaging:
* What is a modified barium swallow?
* How is it performed as?
* What does the picture show?
- The oropharyngeal and pharyngeal swallowing assessment, often known as a “modified barium swallow”
- Performed as videofluoroscopy
- Note the lateral view showing aspiration to larynx and trachea
Barium Swallow:
* If clinical suspicion of an esophageal foreign body is high, and no radiopaque foreign body is identified on plain films, what can they do?
* What else can provide good images?
- If clinical suspicion of an esophageal foreign body is high, and no radiopaque foreign body is identified on plain films, a barium swallow can exclude the presence of a nonradiopaque foreign body
- CT Neck without contrast or CT esophagus could provide good images as well
- What is the gold standard for evaluating dysphagia?
- Why it is performed?
- Barium swallow if gold standard at evaluating dysphagia
- Performed to exclude strictures, evaluate motility, look for FB
What is this? fill in
This oblique view of a normal barium swallow shows the normal impressions made by the (A) aortic arch, (B) left mainstem bronchus, and (LA) left atrium on the esophagus.
What is this?
Schatzki Ring
* Esophageal ring stenosis typically causing dysphagia
* Very capable at blocking solid food that is poorly chewed, such a meat creating a food bolus
What is this? What does it stem from?
Esophageal stricture
* Stem fromrepeated bouts of esophagitis with ulceration and then subsequent fibrosis
What are these?
- Z=Zencker’s diverticulum
- Right side is varices
What is boerhaave’s syndrome?
See following ETOH binges and frequent vomiting (cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome)
common in those smoking marijuna
What is this?
Esophageal Perforation-Boerhaave’s syndrome
What is achalasia?
LES dysfunction and aperistalsis
– Note Bird’s Beak appearance
What is this?
What is this?
What disease process?
Collagen-vascular disease characterized by diffuse fibrosis
* Esophageal involvement occurs in 75 to 87% of patients
* Difference from achalasia – no Birds beak LES constriction, just widely patent dysfunctional LES
What is the differnce between scleroderma esophageal involvement and achalasia?
Difference from achalasia–no Birds beak LES constriction, just widely patent dysfunctional LES
What is this?
* What will patients present with?
Esophageal Spasms
* See substernal pain unrelated to swallowing due to spntaneous contractions of esophageal muscles (CP with food)
What are the different types of esophageal neoplasms? (5)
Why order an abdominal xray?
SBO may be missed in 30-70% of all radiographs, What is preferred?
CT is preferred if available
Why should you decide which quadrant is most painful?
- Localize the pain
- Consider all appropriate differentials based on age, HPI and gender
- Create a pattern for looking at ABD series
- Don’t stop looking if you find one thing.