Exam 3 Questions Flashcards
What are some differences between serum and plasma?
1. Plasma can be used to make FFP, plasmapheresis, platelet rich plasma
2. plasma makes up 45-60% of blood volume
3. serum can be used to create immunoglobulin infusion
4. plasma is the liquid that remains after the blood has clotted
1 and 2
A 25-year-old woman presents for evaluation of an 8-month history of fatigue. She used to run 2 miles 4 days a week, but now becomes fatigued after half a mile and feels winded when going upstairs. She reports feeling cold and needing to wear a sweater when others are warm, and she has a desire to chew on ice cubes throughout the day. She has a history of asthma since childhood which is maintained with a daily steroid inhaler. Her menstrual history is significant for a regular cycle with 5 days of bleeding with 3-4 days of heavy bleeding with clots and frequent pad changes even during the night. She eats a well-balanced diet with a variety of vegetables, fruits, lean red meat, and chicken and fish. There is no family history of blood disorders. Temperature is 37°C (98.6°F), pulse is 108/minute, respiratory rate is 16/minute, and blood pressure is 116/76 mmHg. Physical examination shows conjunctival pallor and pale nail beds. Cardiac examination shows tachycardia and a regular rate. The lungs are clear to auscultation bilaterally and the abdominal examination is unremarkable. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Iro deficiency anemia
What test would you order with an unexplained anemia?
1. iron studies
2. hgb electrophoresis
3. peripheral blood smear
4. bone marrow biopsy
5. coombs test
6. cmp
iron study
What can cause thrombocytopenia?
1. lack of production
2. consumption
3. spleen sequestration
4. allergy
a new blood test to help rule out aortic dissection is under development. In a sample of 2200 patients, 900 pts test positive with the current blood assay. Of those 900 pts, 600 are confirmed to have an acute aortic dissection with the gold standard CT angio. Of the 1300 pts who tested negative, 300 are found to have an acute aortic dissection with the gold standard of CT-angiography. Which of the following best describes the sensitivity of this test/
1. 2.89
2. 0.55
3. 0.77
4. 0.67
5. 0.43
Mr. Smith shows up to the lab on Tuesday morning to have his routine labs drawn. When he is asked if he has been fasting, he admits to having black coffee and a small donut prior to arrival. This error occured during which phase?
1. pre-analytical
2. peri-analytical
3. analytical
4. post-analytical
5. direct analytical
Which products are derived from frozen plasma?
1. fresh frozen plasma
2. plasmaphersis
3. cryoprecipitate
4. platelet rich plasma
5. buffy coat
1,2, 4
What is the main difference btw plasma and serum?
serum is liquid that remains after the blood has clotted, plasma is the liquid that remains when clotting is prevented with the addition of an anticoagulant
What is the common condition that can increase your RBC count?
1. hemolytic anemia
2. anxiety
3. wilsons disease
4. polycythemia vera
Which RBC indices the volume of Hbg, which indicates the weight og hgb?
Which type of hgb is the predominat type in adults?
1. hbg A
2. hgb B
3. hbg A2
4. hbg F
5. hbg Ad
Hgb A
What is an example of a P2Y12 receptor blocker?
1. integrillin
2. aspirin
3. coumadin
4. plavix
What term describes an abnormal variation in size?
1. pokilocytosis
2. anisocytosis
3. megablastic
4. schistocyte
You are exmaining a peripheral blood smear and find evidence of bite cells. What clinical condition do you suspect?
1. hereditary sphetocytosis
2. sickle cell anemia
3. immune hemolytic anemia
4. G6PD deficiency