Lecture 4: Reports on Audited Financial Statements (Part 2) Flashcards
What does a standard unqualified audit report for public co. contains? (8 elements)
- report title
- addressee
- “opinion” section
- “basis for opinion” section
- “critical audit matters” section
- name / signature of the audit firm
- indication of how long auditor has served as the co.’s auditor
- audit report location & date
Note: sometimes audit report can also contain explanatory & emphasis paragraph.
When can an audit report be issued for a public co.?
When auditor has gathered sufficient appropriate evidence, the audit has performed in accordance w/ PCAOB standards, and the F.S. conform to GAAP.
Note: Sometimes, auditor’s opinion on the F.S. & the effectiveness of internal control can be presented together in the same report.
What are Critical Audit Matters?
aka Key Audit Matters
- any matters arising from the audit of F.S. that are communicated, or req. to be communicated to the audit committee & it relates to accounts / disclosures that are material to the F.S. and involved especially challenging, subjective, or complex auditor judgement.
When auditors do not determine any critical audit matters, should they mention in the auditor’s report.
Yes, no matter is there critical audit matters (CAM) or not, auditors must still mention it in the auditor’s report.
Factors to be taken into account when assessing critical audit matters (CAM):
- auditor’s assessment of risk of material misstatement (RMM)
- degree of auditor’s judgement / estimation including estimates w/ significant measurement uncertainty
- nature & timing of unusual significant transactions
- degree of auditor’s subjectivity in applying audit procedures to address matter & evaluate the results of those procedures
- extent of specialized skill needed
- nature of audit evidence obtained regarding the matter
PCAOB report aka unqualified report (clean)
- audit conducted in accordance w/ the standards of PCAOB
- addresses the audit of internal control over financial reporting
- Title: “Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm” : relates to critical audit matters (CAM)
ASB report aka unmodified report (clean)
- audit conducted in accordance w/ generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS)
- no opinion is expressed on the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting
- Title: “Independent Auditor’s Report” : relates to key audit matters (KAM)
Modified Working for Opinion Based in Part on the Report of Another Auditor
- on some audit engagements, parts of the audit may be completed by a separate, unaffiliated public accounting firm
- auditor may express an opinion w/o referring to the work of other auditors in the audit report. (Auditor accepts full responsibility of the other auditors)
- if principal auditor does reference to the other auditor, the principal auditor is sharing responsibility for the audit report w/ the other auditors
What happens when the other auditor’s report is not a standard unqualified (clean) report?
The principal auditor will then need to determine the nature of departure & its significance to the overall F.S.
If departure is material to the overall F.S., it’s necessary to refer to those issues giving rise to the other auditor’s qualified opinion.
When can auditors form an unqualified audit report?
When client can provide sufficient evidence for:
- mitigation factors / regularization plan & we’re satisfied w/ it
- willingness of client in disclosing all information in the financial report
When management has adequately disclosed the entity’s financial problem, can the auditor issue an unqualified report?
Yes, audit report can be expressed as an unqualified opinion but must include an additional explanatory para to emphasize the auditor’s doubt about the ability to continue as a going concern.
What if auditor wishes to emphasize matter?
If auditor wishes to draw special attention to a particular matter, he may choose to include an emphasis para in the auditor’s report.
- significant transactions w/ related parties
- unusually important subsequent events
- accounting matters that affect comparability of F.S. w/ those preceding period
- uncertainty of a future outcome of significant litigation / regulatory actions
The presentation of “Going Concern” required by PCAOB and ASB standard
PCAOB: auditor’s discussion about substantial doubt about going concern is included in the explanatory para of the audit report
ASB: auditor’s substantial doubt about going concern is reported under a separate section in the auditor’s report of “substantial doubt about the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern”.
What are the conditions for departure from unqualified / unmodified report?
- Scope limitation: results from inability to collect sufficient appropriate evidence (ie: when management or some sets of circumstances prevent auditors from conducting an audit procedure that auditor considers necessary)
- Departure from GAAP: F.S. are prepared in a manner that conflicts w/ GAAP (either due to error / fraud)
- Lack of auditor’s independence: auditor & entity have any financial, business or personal relationship prohibited by professional standards
Types of F.S. Audit Reports other than unqualified/ unmodified
- Qualified: material but not pervasive, only certain part is lacking (F.S. is fairly presented except for: scope limitation or specific departure from GAAP)
- Disclaimer: unable to form an opinion if there’s a no. of errors / incompliance w/ standards, unable to obtain appropriate sufficient evidence (involves errors in many areas, thus auditor can’t form an opinion) (F.S. is not fairly presented due to insufficient appropriate evidence or a lack of auditor’s independence)
- Adverse: incompliance w/ standards & material (F.S. do not present fairly due to a GAAP departure that materially & pervasively affect the F.S. overall)
The type of opinion formed by auditors depend on:
- Level of materiality
2. Whether is the F.S. presented fairly
What is the effect of materiality on financial statement reporting?
If it is significantly material towards the overall F.S., then auditor issues a qualified audit report. However, if auditor judges a departure from GAAP to be immaterial, then a standard unqualified audit report can be issued.
Types of Audit Report (except unqualified) to be issued based on the conditions for departure from unqualified / unmodified report:
- scope limitation: issue either a qualified opinion or a disclaimer
- non conformity w/ GAAP: issue either a qualified opinion or adverse opinion
- auditor is not independent: issue a disclaimer opinion or auditor withdraws from the engagement
What are the special reporting issues?
- reports on comparative financial statements
- other info in docs containing audited F.S.
- special reports
What should the predecessor auditor do before reissuing a report for comparative purposes?
- Read the F.S. of the current period
- Compare prior-period F.S. reported on w/ the current year F.S. on which successor will report
- Obtain a letter of representation from management of the entity & from the current year, successor auditor
When reporting comparative F.S., what causes the auditor to change the previously issued opinion on the prior year’s F.S.?
A departure from GAAP caused an adverse opinion on the prior year’s F.S., and those prior year statements have been properly restated.
When reporting comparative F.S., what causes the auditor to change the previously issued opinion on the prior year’s F.S.?
A departure from GAAP caused an adverse opinion on the prior year’s F.S., and those prior year statements have been properly restated.
Does the auditor has the responsibility beyond the F.S. contained in the report?
No, the auditor has no obligation to perform any audit procedures to corroborate the other info. However, the auditor is req. to read the other info & consider whether it’s consistent w/ the info contained in the audited F.S. (ie: annual reports or registration statements)
Does the auditor has the responsibility beyond the F.S. contained in the report?
No, the auditor has no obligation to perform any audit procedures to corroborate the other info. However, the auditor is req. to read the other info & consider whether it’s consistent w/ the info contained in the audited F.S.
What are special reports?
- F.S. prepared on the basis of accounting other than GAAP
- specified elements, accounts or items of a F.S.
- compliance w/ aspects of contractual agreements or regulatory requirements.
Financial Statements prepared according to a special purpose framework:
- regulatory basis: to comply w/ the req. or financial reporting provisions of a governmental regulatory agency
- tax basis: to file for income tax return
- cash: entity reports on revenues when received & expenses when paid; cash basis may be modified to record depreciation to accrue income taxes
- contractual basis: to comply w/ an agreement between the entity & one/ more 3rd parties other than the auditor
What are the significant changes to the auditor’s report in over 70 years?
- the opinion section of report is now presented first, followed by the basis for opinion section (rationale for the opinion)
- respective responsibilities of management & auditor are more clearly described now
- the requirement that auditor be independent of the entity is explicitly stated
- key features of audit (ie: amounts & disclosures are examined on a test basis & the accounting principles used & significant estimates made by management are evaluated & more clearly laid out)
- CAM involves especially challenging subjective, or complex auditor judgement are explicitly disclosed in a separate section of the report
Anticipated benefits of the new reporting standards
- more transparent & will provide more info & insights to stakeholders in the financial reporting
- new emphasis on CAM (enhance communication & improve the quality of financial reporting)
- sharpen auditor’s sense of professional skepticism in dealing w/ such matters during the audit