lecture 4: normal and abnormal breast, wooton Flashcards
risk factors for breast cancer
too damn many to remember
age history of BC history of atypical hyperplasia high breast tissue density 1st degree relatives with breast cancer or ovarian cancer early menarche (before 12) late cessation of menses over 55 no term pregnancies ashkenazi jew never breastfed long term OCs postmenospausal obesity alcohol
MRI for breast abnormalities
useful adjunct to mammography in suspicious masses
used for staging of cancer
used with implants
good for women at high risk for breast cacner like BRCA carriers
fine needle aspiration
solid verse cystic mass
clear fluid = no more evaluation
bloody = sent for cytology and pts need diagnostic mammogram/US
benign breast disease
-breast pain
cyclic with menstrual cycle
noncyclic- includes tumors, mastitis, cysts
extramammary- trauma, shingles, fibromyalgia
mastalagia treatment
properly fitting bra weight reduction exercise decrease caffeine intake vitamin E supplementation
nipple discharge usually benign or malig?
non spontaneous non bloody, bilateral nipple discharge is what
fibrocystic change or ductal ectasia
bloody nipple discharge is what
considered cancer till proven otherwise
breast mass that is concern for malignancy
if bigger than 2cm immobile firm with poor argins skin dimpling/retraction ipsilat LAD
what is a galactocele
cystic dilation of duct filled with milky fluid
happens near time of lactation
non prolif breast mass
papillomas, epithelial hyperplasia, scleroing adensois, and complex sclerosing lesions are what
proliferative without atypia
treatment for LCIS and DCIS
exision and then followed with treatment with SERM
risk factors breast cancer
age and race
over 50 and white
fam history and genetics
radiation exposure, dense breast change, overweight, alcohol
palpable mass gets what
biopsy (FNA/core/excisional)